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Summer health heart How to put out the four put fire to the human body


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Summer health heart How to put out the four put fire to the human body


Release date: 2015-07-04 source: keeping in good health


【 introduction 】 summer health heart, how to put out to the body's four fire, here small make up details for you. A lot of people don't want to eat spicy, summer afraid of lose. Experts point out that, in fact, in the summer people heart is flourishing, the stomach is a bitter, bitter things should not eat too much at this time, but it can be appropriate to eat some spicy heavier food for appetizer. Such as cook put some ginger, garlic and pepper to taste, but not to eat more sichuan food, hot pot. Cooking can be more selective when cold food such as wax gourd, cucumber, sponge gourd.

If poor appetite, might as well drink porridge. A clay pot barley porridge, summer pixu (spleen deficient), spleen is an eternal theme. Some symptoms of hot and humid. Barley can be anti-cancer, whitening, qushi, spleen. Second, taalk on yam, yam spleen. 3 it is lotus leaf in clay pot of porridge. A big piece of lotus leaf cut into small pieces in clay pot of porridge, can be heat-clearing and detoxifying, diuresis, detumescence, and have the effect that reduce weight.

Summer health heart How to put out the four put fire to the human body

A fire: stomach fire

Symptom: gastrointestinal symptoms of heartburn pain, abdominal distension, dry mouth, bad breath, defecate to powder, constipation, gum swelling, poor appetite, etc. Nakedness stomach fire also points two kinds, the production of body fluid of mild cough, poor appetite, constipation, abdominal distension, red tongue, little moss; Real fire performance for epigastric discomfort, dry mouth mouth bitter, defecate dry out.

Stomach fire, namely is gastric heat. For drinking, mind you, spicy, overeating, rich men's thick flavour caused by improper diet, such as anger, called stomach fire of traditional Chinese medicine, is usually caused both by the hot and humid, food stagnation. The anger at the same time, because of the amount of food, quality and time caused by three reasons. Mild stomach fire, like, forever do not have enough to eat, actually is a delusion of stomach heat to the brain; To the fire to a certain stage, the stomach inflammation occurs, it becomes what all can't eat, can say is too much. The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine thinks, stomach fire adjustment should follow the principle of clear heat, pure lag, to diet, something too hot to eat less, sweet greasy food to eat less, food should increase the green and yellow vegetables and fruits, to supplement vitamin and inorganic salt, and proper attention to oral hygiene.

Send fire food: fresh carrot juice, mung bean porridge, watermelon

Modern research has shown that radish has obvious antibacterial effect. The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine thinks, carrot juice taste sheen, gump, cool, belong to the lung, stomach, stomach fire is drinkable carrot juice for conditioning treatment. But not take taste type cold mouth sores. Mung bean porridge has qingrejiedu, heat thirst, blessed are the effect of purging fire, can call on the fire of the stomach. Lotus seed, Gordon euryale seed, yam, etc are spleen appetizer, watercress, leaf lettuce, tomatoes, lettuce, loquat, is conducive to digestion of food. Stomach fire overheating, but also in winter to lower stomach fire by eating watermelon.