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Voice hoarse production of body fluid According to HaiZi Tom yam kung glory


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Voice hoarse production of body fluid According to HaiZi Tom yam kung glory


Time: 2015-08-11

Source: China's traditional Chinese medicine

Author: Hou Zhongwei


The cave sexual characteristics 】


According the sea but sufficient caverns of shaoyin kidney meridian, for eight rendezvous point of arteries and veins, in the Yin cutting pulse. In the condyle pointed a cavity just below. Zi kidney Yin, drain deficiency fire effect, good governance staple. According to the sea with column without attending sore throat; With most, three vaginal intercourse among the attending retention of urine; Three vaginal intercourse with shen shu, guan yuan, attending menstruation to be not moved.

Modern is often used in the treatment of urethritis, nephritis, and neurasthenia, epilepsy, menoxenia, functional uterine bleeding, etc.

【 operating techniques 】

Filiform needle stab: take 1 inch long, filiform needle stab, 28 points (bilateral), after the needle into the twisting, slightly to get gas, retaining needle 30 points, interval of 3 ~ 5 branch needle 1 time, if the needle feeling up ideal transfer behavior, 1 times a day.

2. Press the method: take small grain of mung beans, fixed with tape (single) on according to the acupuncture point, the force required to have a bulge, acerbity keenly feel, each time for several minutes, until the second day morning, during which need not press several times on a regular basis.

3. Press the needle embedding: after skin disinfection, 1 in 2 mm small press the needle embedding acupoint, seal with a plaster once (unilateral), 2 days off.

The above three methods, it can be used alone, can be used in combination, needle first commonly, reoccupy after pressure or embedded in order to maintain. 10 days a course of treatment.

【 diagnosis site 】

Voice hoarse, traditional Chinese medicine of "doing". Cause this disease cause more. Exogenous and internal injuries can make it happen, but all of a sudden outbreak, will also in delay day long. According to the sea cave are doing in the treatment of common points.

Such as cure Cui Mou, female, 31 years old, the teacher. On May 14, 1997, has a history of chronic pharyngitis 2 years for nearly three months, consciously throat with oppressive feeling, hoarseness, difficulty speaking, the volume is low, the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and ultrasonic atomization treatment does not work. Ten days ago after a Shanghai court examination, found on both sides of the vocal cord nodules has several sizes. Diagnosis: chronic pharyngitis, vocal nodules. Surgical removal because of fear to try.

According to the acupuncture point with filiform needle therapy, half an hour later, consciously have a cool feeling in the throat. Then press the needle embedding. 1, 1 times a day and a half months later, on alternate days. Treatment for 3 courses, the pronunciation is normal. The end of August to Shanghai, review of the nodules were not. Since then, I have not comfortable, often to small, are feeling good.