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Stomach cancer is one of the oldest large pressure in patients with esophageal cancer character Some cancer catalyst is character
08:59 August 03, 2016
Source: People's Daily online - health times
Our character will produce certain effect to the body health, including cancer, although the mental factors not cancer risk factors, mental factors is the departure of cancer, cancer development, or cause it to accelerate, as a catalyst.
Found in the many years of clinical, meticulous in patients with gastric cancer, self stress, rarely someone to talk to, don't want to and confide, psychological too sensitive.
Esophageal cancer is one of the oldest character coarse, tea also drink fast, drink or drink quickly, and then work rhythm is fast, speak too fast, fast, grumpy and esophageal cancer patients is such, esophageal cancer is considered a poor carcinoma. Lifestyle is coarser, of course, the incidence of esophageal cancer in the city plummeted, incidence of esophageal cancer in China declines linearly.
Ovarian cancer is often a very exquisite, life pressure are heavier, stick those personalities, character is very refreshing.
There are two types of breast cancer, one type is Lin daiyu, the strong, emotional instability, long-term insomnia, what all want to understand, then is very exquisite, something becomes huge waves, like Lin daiyu. Lin daiyu type of person is more than 50 years old or so commonly, because her mood is not stable for a long time, by that time is wrong. Another type is particularly aggressive, competitive, particularly aggressive female breast easily injured.
Even cancer cell types and personality have relations, such as gastric cancer, breast cancer, there is a kind of mucous carcinoma, mucinous carcinoma in our observation shows that there are very few, taste wonderful, often creamy personalities, of course he itself is squishy. And clear cell carcinoma, clear cell carcinoma patients in general is relatively optimistic personality. So don't look down upon personality, character and many diseases, including cell types have a relationship, is worth our attention.
First of all to cure heart so, prevent cancer, which is personality weakness of correction for us. But don't fear cancer, think of it as a kind of chronic disease, through the regular treatment, and it is entirely possible peaceful coexistence. (yu-min he)