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According to foot after soaking, don't go for pain
On November 30, 2016 08:49
Source: People's Daily life times
A foot massage is popular with the public popular way of keeping in good health care, but a lot of massage on the market is not very normal, all in the name of "Chinese medicine health care" blind press. A foot massage, properly, suit the exquisite specification, if improper operation, cause infection, burst and even fractures.
The right foot massage is through appropriate massage technique, after the bubble foot appropriate efforts to stimulate the foot related points and the reflex zones, to produce acid bilges, micro keenly feel is most appropriate. A foot massage is more hard, more pain, the better the results. Too much may cause subcutaneous blood stasis and muscle damage, pain is just too strong will make human body produce stress reaction, may exacerbate disease.
In addition, the massage time and frequency is not the more the better, a foot massage control in 40 ~ 50 minutes, best can do one or two times a week. Because the body of any stimulus has certain tolerance ability, stimulating excessive backfire, cause nerve fatigue, sensitivity to decline.
Below to introduce you to a few key points of the foot massage:
Yongquan. Located at the base of the foot before middle 1/3 and 2/3 point after, toes bending sag at the front of the foot. The acupuncture point massage with ziyin kidney, liver latent Yang ping, the role of the prevention health care, for insomnia, headache, dizziness, constipation, urination, foot hot heart disease have certain curative effect, etc.
Mt. Located at the foot the tops of medial malleolus rear sag. The acupuncture point massage with zi kidney Yin, kidney qi, strong waist and knee, the menstruation to be not moved, spermatorrhea, urinary frequency and diarrhea, lumbar debility, tinnitus, insomnia, and other disease have certain curative effect.
According to the sea. Located in the medial malleolus foot pointed edge of vertical cavity. The acupuncture point massage have nourish Yin decrease internal heat, the effect of yangxin nerves, dysmenorrhea, menstruation to be not moved, insomnia, dry throat pain, swelling, red have certain curative effect.
Lr 3. Located at the foot dorsal, 1, 2, the integration of a metatarsal before cavity, can touch the pulses. The acupuncture point massage with liver qi, liver decrease internal heat effect, red on the top of the head, dizziness, eye pain and sore, two side pain, irritability and other disease have certain curative effect.
A foot massage there are two basic methods, one kind is point method, single hook finger points in acupuncture points; Another is in accordance with the law, the thumb tip pressure on acupuncture points. Each point massage 2 ~ 5 minutes.