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How heavy selling light r&d drug firms out of balance cycle on March 21, 2017 10:59 China


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How heavy selling light r&d drug firms out of balance cycle on March 21, 2017 10:59 China

pharmaceutical network popularity: 4540


Research and development ability is market analysis of China pharmaceutical network 】 【 measure an important evaluation index for the future development of pharmaceutical enterprises, r&d spending revenue share (research and development of) is one of the common concrete parameters. Pharmaceutical market in our country, sales, research and development become the common fault of the domestic listed companies. During the new drug research and development costs is high, long, risk is bigger, some companies prefer to choose buy drugs through mergers and acquisitions, rather than through their own research and development. High cost of medicine circulation distribution, terminal medicine doctor training, consumers use training to drug companies and advertising sales costs high.

(sales and research and development drug firms out of the circle of balance of payments Image: baidu picture)

Research and development of heavy selling is light

Reporters combing, CRC san-jiu medicine co, xinhua pharmaceutical, global pharmaceutical companies such as earnings, found that each enterprise sales cost is high, research and development costs are generally lower.

China resources san-jiu 2016 operating income of 8.982 billion yuan, net income of 1.198 billion yuan. Huarun lump-sum cost of sales of 3.279 billion yuan, accounting for 36.72% revenue, cost of sales is far more than net income, and r&d spending is 280 million yuan, only 3.12%. Harbin pharmaceutical shares 2016 operating income is 14.127 billion yuan, net profit of 788 million yuan, the company sells cost is 762 million yuan, basically reached the same level of the net profit with r&d spending is 183 million yuan, only 1.29%.

The same situation also appears in provo pharmaceutical xinhua pharmaceutical and earnings. Xinhua pharmaceutical sales cost is higher than the net income for 404 million yuan, r&d spending is 107 million yuan, r&d accounted for only 2.67%; Provo pharmaceutical sales net profit higher cost is 317 million yuan, the company research and development spending is 201 million yuan, 4.22%.

Compared with European and American big r&d spending on research and development of the domestic listed companies is relatively cheap. International new drug research and development costs about $500 million to $1 billion, accounted for over 10% of the revenue. The data shows, roche r&d spending of $11.955 billion in 2016, research and development of more than 22.8%; Research and development of Pfizer's r&d spending of $7.872 billion, accounted for 14.9%.

Sales costs high

Drug firms selling cost is mainly composed of distribution costs, terminal medicine doctor training, training for treating patients and advertising spending and other causes. Third-party medical service system Shi Lichen founder MaiSiKang lai said in an interview with Beijing commercial daily reporter, at present domestic drug firms generally high marketing expenses, accounts for 20% of the proportion of the revenue to 20% belong to normal phenomenon. Drug distribution, through terminal sales channels, advertising and consumer use training costs have led to larger companies such as sales cost.

According to a person not to be named, analysts said drug firms sales cost open a terminal sales channels in the cost account for bulk. Some drug companies to get through the hospital channel will provide rebates to hospitals and doctors, and the kickbacks most companies will be accounted for as to the cost of sales. "In the retail price of a drug, enterprises get 30% commonly, circulation channels accounted for 30%, hospitals accounted for 40%." Xinhua pharmaceutical said in the earnings, higher cost of sales in 2016 is mainly due to terminal sales fee increase.

In addition to the terminal sales channel cost, drug distribution have also become one of the high cost of drug firms selling reason. Global pharmaceutical industry, said business expenses and freight and advertising growth more lead to higher cost of sales in 2016.

According to Shi Lichen, general object delivery according to the weight distribution, drug is according to the amount of 8% to calculate the shipping fee. Worth $100000 for a case of drugs, for example, if it is a common distribution price about 50 yuan, but the drug needs to have the pharmaceutical trade quality management norms "(GSP) certification enterprise distribution, shipping fee is 8000 yuan. "This way of calculation more deformity, high distribution cost easy to push prices for the drug."

Research and development of the lack of passion

Drug research in the field of science and technology is one of the longest study, research and development costs huge magnitude did let drug firms. Public data show that domestic drug r&d mainly concentrated in the 1 million - 10 million yuan between, the higher the degree of each type of drug innovation, the more development phase, the higher development costs. To develop a medicine a new drug, as of the approval of clinical research and development expenses the median value of 19 million yuan. Development of a biological medicine a kind of new drugs, as of the approval of the clinical research and development costs the median value is RMB 28.25 million yuan.

A medicine new medicine and biological products are more popular with domestic companies. New innovation medicine clinical entity in 2016, there were 11 kind of medicine new medicine and 2 biological products, and these two kinds of drugs were found to spend a lot of money. Sea is pharmaceutical research and development of barley jersey fabric, by the end of phase III clinical has invested 153 million yuan; Fosun medicine research and development by an injection, as of the end of phase I clinical has invested 139 million yuan.

Drug research and development are greatly influenced by policy. Since 2015, national food drug safety administration issued "about a drug clinical trial data comprehensive inspections of announcement no. 117 (2015), research and development of some drug companies withdraw varieties. Craig column dean hengrui pharmaceutical research and development of phosphate, as production has invested 101 million yuan, but withdrew in clinical inspection, then return to fund start-up phase III study.

Medical strategy consulting company Latitude Zhao Heng Health partners, said the drug research and development need to invest a lot of money, research and development cycle is long, a new drug research and development about after the 78 years of time, during which the probability of failure is very big, a lot of research and development finally ended in failure, the domestic many drug companies don't want to do drug research and development. Another not to be named, analysts say there are few domestic innovation medicine enterprises, the most is given priority to with generics. "Now a lot of domestic drug firms and promotion, through introducing foreign cooperation method will be imported drugs clinical failure or buy medicine to find targets effectively, improve value." (source: health magazine The author: the reporter sessions Xiu-juan guo The original title: drug firms how to walk out of the circle of balance of payments)

Article links: Chinese pharmaceutical net