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Origin of girder needle


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Origin of girder needle



Girder stitch originated in 1601 AD, in the Ming wanli (29), founded by buddhist monks release ZhiRen Jackson, ZhiRen Jackson proficient in traditional Chinese medicine, pharmacology and acupuncture prescriptions, perusal "que? Foreign economic" "difficult" after the play 14 medical, after a lifetime salving patients, made the girder to research the needle and the girder stitch, then by disciple handed down from generation to generation, a generation of an interior door every generation to summarize the clinical experience, forming a unique today girder needle treatment based on syndrome differentiation, and the theoretical system.

Unlike modern filiform needle acupuncture and traditional teaching, girder needle heritage has its own theoretical system, and the syndrome differentiation and treatment method, we use "que in neijing nine volumes" que in foreign economic "twelve" difficult by eighty-one to by play 14 for the formation of theory system, handed down from generation to generation to summarize the clinical experience of notes by, interior door disciple eighty-eight holes in paper for the continued development of the theoretical system.

This door is to "shed hole don't give up the" for the girder needle treatment based on syndrome differentiation, the center of the girder needle notice is qi, the qi and blood smooth, everything is nothing ", "everything is in the resistance", "qi and activating blood to remove stasis" in clinic, girder stitch embodies the this theory combined with the clinical effect of the actual and not only shorten the healing period of treatment for the treatment of diseases, in the treatment of some difficult and also received the strange unexpected curative effect.

Unlike other long beard needle method, and the world thought all long beard needle method is by "a needle through multiple connected to the key points of meridians to cure, but the clinical treatment of the girder, concept is wrong, because acupuncture doctors know that any of the meridians and collaterals on there are many points, and each point has a corresponding treatment and the holes of the affected viscera function, if a needle through multiple useless to treatment can affect rehabilitation points not reinvent the wheel, instead chaos to cure it; Every other viscera in the corresponding acupuncture point has more or less on reflex point (acid, hemp, bilge, pain) but these reactions are limited in the scope of the tip size and big or small, or even delay meridian far, or close to, such as mother and son, but reaction on meridians points? Son and mother disease meridians at reflex point;

Girder stitch is in dialectical ShiZhiZhong give full expression to the treatment of disease; Is only a few needles, no medicinal auxiliary can give the world health organization (who) as a kind of knotty to solved, have paralysis caused by medical surgery, acupuncture alone can make patients to heal, is the strange girder needle; But girder needle is not everything, it has belongs to the category of their treatment of diseases, in the human body has a specific row needle position, at the same time in the needle treatment: one can't hurt muscles, bones and muscles, not two meridians and collaterals, when making needle so special meticulous and strict regulations; Line needle treatment, must be careful examination, avoid fill once (viscera) injury once (viscera), according to the five elements of Yin and Yang, based, multiplication phase of truth hit a 3 to stitch and brushed stitch, jump stitch, ruled out to solve the above problems.

Girder needle because of the appearance is thick and long, besides appearance is different from other acupuncture needle, in the clinical treatment of invigorating qi and activate blood efficacy is beyond the many of the common filiform needle, first girders needle production material for bamboo, it's very complicated to make every needle after eight, but often nine or ten times will be voided, until after the reform and opening up the tenth generation successor shi mingde in jiangsu province, medical devices have customized steel material girder needle, make the past bamboo thick needle length by a foot 2 inches long by two feet two inches, compared with the past, the needle body thin and toughness, reduce the pain, when the needles are inserted in the later has played a very important role in clinical treatment, for some difficult and often receive unexpected effect; The reform of the new type of needle in the clinical treatment, has not been a case of a medical accident.

The culture of traditional Chinese medicine is a great source of, spread so far, continued efforts, the future research to conquer one cases of disease, confirmed that the magic of Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion.