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How do you raise your life after the beginning of summer


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How do you raise your life after the beginning of summer

Source: sanlian reading

Every year on May 5 or 6, the sun of summer to 45 ° for longitude solar terms. China has been used to the beginning of summer as the beginning of summer. After the start of the summer, temperatures across the country have risen significantly, and many places are already above 30 degrees Celsius. How can we live in the summer, in this hot summer season? Chinese medicine tells you that there are a few things to notice.

Of summer 1. Early to bed and early to rise of keeping in good health in traditional Chinese medicine thinks "summer gas with a better mousetrap," summer health should pay attention to early to bed and early to rise, pay attention to "rest", avoid movement after kubla khah dripping wet, "khan" hurt Yang, in terms of diet nursing, should take "increase acid decreases bitter, kidney, liver, nourishing the stomach gas" principle, dietary appropriate is delicate, eat more vegetables, fruits, whole grains. Before you get up, you can do a few small actions to improve your health and health and longevity.

After a light summer diet, the temperature gradually rises and people feel irritated and their appetite decreases. Of summer diet principle is "Yang chun xia", Yang emphasized yangxin, yangxin can drink milk, eat soy products, chicken, pork, etc., can replenish nutrition, have the effect of strong heart again. Should adopt "increase acid decreases bitter, kidney, liver, nourishing the stomach gas" principle, the diet should be light and easy to digest, foods rich in vitamins, big fish big meat and spicy food should eat less fat. Add the green bean, lotus seed, lotus leaf, reed root, lentil, etc. Add in the rice, cook porridge in the rice, and eat after cooling, also can have the effect that the stomach, heat the heat. Eat vegetable, fruit and coarse grain commonly, can increase the supply of cellulose, vitamin B, C, can act as prevent arteriosclerosis.

After the beginning of summer, the weather turned hot, and people's minds were disturbed and disturbed, experts warned. Therefore, on the occasion of the season, people pay attention to mental nursing, should be to strengthen the maintenance of the heart, especially the old people do not have aggressive, should keep a happy mood, comfortable and carefree, avoid by all means BaoXi sad, keep fresh air and god, to be in a good mood.

The blood heat will cause a lot of discomfort after the summer and summer, and the hot blood will affect the digestive function. Therefore, every meal should not be full, leave enough wriggle room for the stomach. And people are relaxed and natural. This year's summer attention to cool blood and early to bed and early rise is a season for people to store their solar energy and strive for a good harvest.

The avoidance of the cold for most people, especially joint patients, should be avoided during the summer, and the air-conditioning and fans should not be used in moderation or in moderation. In the workplace, you should tell your colleagues about your illness to get the understanding of your colleagues and try not to use the air-conditioner or adjust the temperature properly. It is best to keep a long-sleeved dress ready to add and reduce clothing whenever the environment is available.

6. The beginning of summer the livelihood watch the exogenous throttle, people often thin clothing orders, even if the body health of the people also want to watch the exogenous, once sicken cannot easily use the agent of sweating, lest sweat more sad, avoid blood silt up, in case of a heart attack. In the beginning of the summer, it is advisable for you to laugh and enjoy yourself. In the early morning, you can enjoy a small amount of shallots and drink a small amount of red wine in order to keep your blood flowing.