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4 recruit to prevent the lumbar pain of strain of lumbar muscle


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4 recruit to prevent the lumbar pain of strain of lumbar muscle

Source: medicine health report

Life is one of the most common low back pain, the pain in the lumbosacral joint centered about slap a big place, or dull pain, discomfort or pain, ease up in the morning, after aggravating, restrict the waist, bow difficulties, can't sedentary, long station, to the hospital for x-rays, blood tests and so on also are normal. This kind of lumbar pain, traditional Chinese medicine is called kidney hollow pain, namely the lumbar muscle strain waist pain.

The waist is the midpoint of the body, the lumbar sacral joint is the body's only large joint that bears the weight of the body, is the hub of the lumbar activity. Leaning forward and backward, left and right side bending, turning, etc all have involved, whether sports or activities, the joints than any body here of a joint force. When labor intensity big, or activity, joint activities as much, and the activities of the joint without the participation of muscle, so the muscle fatigue and injuries are likely to happen here, the strain of lumbar muscles have the waist muscle became ill because of overwork. Some people even if the physical activity is not large, the intensity of labor is not big, but because of poor posture, often makes half bent spine, waist and back muscle has been tight, accumulate over a long period, also can produce strain, and strain for further development, will form the aseptic inflammation, inflammation stimulates nerve endings, causing the waist pain.

People who have lumbar pain in their lumbar muscles are able to live and work normally, but for a long period of time, it can affect productivity and reduce the interest of life. Therefore, the prevention and control measures should be taken as early as possible. In daily life, pay attention to avoid the wet and cold, pay attention to the life in various positions, like heavy weights from the floor, should bend your knees squats, avoid bend to aggravate burden; When holding heavy objects, the body is as close to the object as possible, keeping it close to the abdomen, and the legs slightly lower. It is not to be reluctant to take and put things up high. Sleep should maintain the curvature of the spine. In addition, it is also important to strengthen the exercise and improve the quality of the body, and the practice proves that exercise has a good effect on preventing and treating lumbar muscle strain.

Lumbar muscle exercise: first of all, lie on your back in bed, with both feet, elbows and the head, waist, back, hip and leg stand hard, a little out of the bed surface, keep the posture, until you feel tired, slowly restore supine position. Repeat for 10 to 15 minutes. Then take a prone position, put double arms against behind, rammed the head, chest and legs stand, leave the bed surface, the body is the arch, and keep the posture, until a little tired, slowly recovering prone position. Repeat for 10 to 15 minutes. The above two sets of action each morning and evening exercise 1 time.

Pendulum hip ship the waist: standing high and her hands rested on her hips, thumb in the former, the rest four fingers in the middle finger on waist eye (on the back, ribs below 12 position, namely around the waist of the lumbar spine 3 by 3 ~ 4 inch dent popped open); When inhaling, move the crotch from left to right, while exhaling, move the crotch from right to left, one breath for one and 16 to 32 times in a row.

Turn the back and back: stand up, and lift both hands to the side of the head. The distance between your hands is the same width as the shoulder, the tip of your thumb is high with the eyebrow, and the palm of your hand is opposite. When inhaling, the upper body is twisted from left to right, while the head is reversed, while exhaling, the upper part of the body is reversed from right to left, and the upper body is reversed from right to left, one breath per second, and can be made 16 to 32 times in a row.

Knock at the back: take sitting position, left hand held his first with a left hook on the left side of the back to tap the top 10 ~ 15 minutes, again with his left hand under the palm, massage or massage for about 5 minutes or massage until signs in the small of your back. And then do the same thing on the other side. Alternate between left and right, two times a day. (li xin/wen)