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What can be done with prostatitis


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What can be done with prostatitis

Source: network collection

Author: Chinese medical network

Once men get older, the prostate is prone to problems. Prostatitis is a common prostate disease, its symptoms mainly has: (frequency, urgency, urine, urine, etc.) and pain symptoms (lower abdomen, perineum and scrotum, etc.), a few affect sexual function, a few short affect fertility. In this paper, we introduce the treatment of male prostatitis. However, other prostate maintenance measures should be done.

There are eight medications for male prostatitis

[the winter melon kelp coix seed soup]

Materials: fresh winter melon (skin) 250g, coix seed 50g, 100g kelp.

Make: first, wash the gourd and cut into coarse pieces, wash the coix seed, wash and cut into thin slices. Put the three things in the casserole and add the right amount to the broth.

[green bean rice porridge]

Ingredients: 60 g, 15 grams of orange peel, 10 grams of grass, 50 grams of green beans and 100 grams of sorghum.

Make: the front son, the orange peel, the lawn gauze bag, the boil juice to go to the slag, the green bean and the gao li rice boil the porridge.


Materials: 100g of plantain grass (400 grams), 10 grams of bamboo leaves (30 grams of fresh product), 10 grams of licorice, and the right amount of yellow chips.

Production: first the plantain, bamboo leaves, licorice and into the sand pot, add some water, use medium heat to boil water, cook for 40 minutes or so, into the brown sugar, little cook, generation of tea a day.

(steamed chicken with chestnut)

Ingredients: 200 grams of chestnut, one chicken, five seahorses.

Make: to make the chicken go to the intestines, the hair, the cut, with the chestnut kernel, the sea horse and salt, the ginger in the pan, add the water to boil the right amount.

【 stilbene MAO drink]

Ingredients: 30 grams of astragalus, 30 g of white maghorn (60g), 20g of cistanche, 60 grams of watermelon (200 grams), and sugar in moderation.

Make: first, the astragalus, the white moutan cut, and the meat cistanche, and the watermelon skin, in the casserole, the prostator of the soup in the middle of the cooking soup will be served two to three times a day.

[white orchid pork soup]

Ingredients: between 150 and 200 grams of lean pork, 30 grams of fresh white orchid (10 grams).

Make: wash pig lean meat, cut small pieces, add water to the fresh white orchid, add salt to taste.

【 cocos 】

Materials: 30 grams of earth and 100 grams of rice.

Production: China root wash first, to the skin, cut into flake (already dried and sliced, can avoid the process), into the sand pot, boiling heat for 30 ~ 40 minutes, take the juice. Add the rice and cook the porridge with medium heat. Eat 1 to 2 meals a day.

[lipee cucumber soup]

Ingredients: one for cucumber, 10 grams for pink, and moderate for MSG, salt and sesame oil.

Make: fry the hot pink, remove the juice from the slag, then bring the cucumber slices to the boil, add the seasoning, and then serve the heat.

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