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Mengxia is warm, and the midsummer is not cool


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Mengxia is warm, and the midsummer is not cool

Summer health is divided into three parts

Zhang qiuxia, deputy chief physician of the first affiliated hospital of guangzhou university of traditional Chinese medicine

June 27, 2017 00:00


Source: People's Daily online - life times

Huangdi nei jing, element four gas god asked, "said:" summer in March, this call sweet show, heaven and earth, all things China, night lie to get up early, will have no respite in the day, the tzu chi free nu, huaying ChengXiu, quickly drain, if in the outside, I love this summer gas should be, a long way. Also the inverse of the sad, autumn for disease malaria, serve lower-income less, the winter solstice sick." The term "summer march" refers to the fourth, fifth and sixth months of the lunar calendar, also known as mengxia, midsummer, and summer. Although both belong to the summer, there are differences in health care.

The weather in mengxia is changing and keeping warm. The summer begins in April of the lunar calendar and the Gregorian calendar is in May. Include the beginning of summer and the two solar terms. At this time the weather is gradually hot and the people's physiology will change.

"The beginning of summer" (May 5, May 6, 7), is a symbol of the spring and summer, when spring has just passed, the Yang qi is increasing, and the growth trend of the spring and summer is growing. Although the climate is getting hotter, the weather in the north is still not stable enough, and there will be a change of rain or shine and cold and warm, so be careful to add or subtract clothes at any time. After the start of summer, people tend to sweat out as the temperature rises. "Sweat" is the liquid of the heart, should pay attention to not excessive perspiration at the beginning of summer, after exercise should drink warm water, replenish body fluid.

Small full throttle (May 20, 21, 22), full of ears of wheat, marked the beginning of hot summer. The temperature obviously rises after the small fill, the rainfall increases, but sooner or later it will still be cooler, the temperature difference is bigger, especially after the rainfall, the temperature drop is more obvious, so we should pay attention to add clothes in time. Especially when you are sleeping at night, keep warm and avoid catching cold. It should also comply with the law of the long shadow of summer, get up early, sleep in moderation (not later than 23 PM), and ensure the sleep time to keep energetic.

Zhong xia Yang qi sheng, avoid cold water bath. The second month of summer is called midsummer, the month of the fifth lunar month, which includes the grain of ear and the summer and two solar terms. "Grain in ear" (June 5, or 6 or 7), marks the coming of high temperature and hot summer. "Summer solstice" (June 20, 21, 22) is the beginning of summer and the most popular time of the year. In the summer solstice, the Yang qi between heaven and earth reaches its acme. After that, the sun will gradually disappear and the Yin will gradually increase. At this time, the sun is overcast on the Yin, the Yin begins to be born under it, the creature that likes Yin begins to breed, and the life of xianyang begins to die, Yin and Yang is staggered, the person is easy to be ill.

The health care of this season, should comply with the characteristic of summer yangsheng, pay attention to protect Yang qi, avoid cold water punch, shower, the food should be light, should not be fat and thick taste, the spirit wants to relax. Should also timely fill the water, eat more food, cold food melon fruit should be enough.

Summer temperatures are high, and the summer keeps shade. This stage is the last month of the summer, the lunar June, July, the Gregorian calendar includes slight heat and great heat two solar terms, is the hottest month in a year, so have a "slight heat great heat, steam cooking" colloquial English.

"Summer heat" (July 6, 7, 8), hot is the most vigorous time of the human body, also entering the beginning of the dog days. "V" is the meaning of "v", so people should stay away from the heat and heat. The way of the folk to spend the day is to eat cool and cool food. At this time of the food, must pay attention to hygiene, and should moderate, must not overeat; Don't overeat spicy food.

"Great heat" (July 22, or 23, 24) is extremely hot. Great heat throttle as before and after the "ZhongFu" in the "dog days", is the hottest time of the year, the highest temperature, sweat more, easy to take gas Yin, people often appears the situation of the "virtual" disease-free three points. Therefore, in addition to the timely hydration, we should also eat the light soup, such as samana, western ginseng, jade bamboo, huaishan, etc., to strengthen the constitution.