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Traditional Chinese medicine service trade BBS convenes the wisdom of Chinese medicine to the world convergence industry


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Traditional Chinese medicine service trade BBS convenes the wisdom of Chinese medicine to the world convergence industry

2017-11-01 Yang li China youth network

      Beijing, Nov. 1 (xinhua) -- Chinese youth network Beijing (Reuters) - October 1, 2010. On the 12th China growing pharmaceutical enterprise development BBS grand opening of the east, in the current world service trade federation of Chinese medicine, a few days ago, one of the points BBS, coldness of ginseng antler, Chinese medicine service trade BBS was held in quantum number royal Caribbean sea cruises.

      American Chinese medicine union chamber of commerce Liu Yuankai, association of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) industry in Australia Ma Anyang Mr Semel, Hungary's university of international relations commissioner BaoJin, alum to Mr Semel, Hungary's university, dean of the school of health, najib, Ms. Zolten, Philippines registered doctors and acupuncturist association chii-ming cheng, Canada post, acupuncture of traditional Chinese medicine health center kwok kin wong, European chamber of commerce Chinese medicine ramon to attend the BBS and keynote address. BBS is chaired by zheng jianhua, President of the Australian society of Chinese medicine, and sun rongrong, the Chinese academy of acupuncture and moxibustion society of Argentina.

      Entered a new era in China under the background of, with the advancement of "area" construction, the mutually beneficial cooperation of countries along the gradual deepening of traditional Chinese medicine trade is increasingly open, cultural exchanges and more closely. Today, the world's traditional Chinese medicine people gather together to hold the meeting of BBS, and look forward to the future with a view to the future.

      Liu yuankai, President of the American federation of traditional Chinese medicine, introduced the development of traditional Chinese medicine in the United States. He said that Chinese medicine is legally imported to the United States as food, although it is embarrassing, but it is a channel that can enter the United States. Whether traditional Chinese medicine can have a more legal and suitable status between food and medicine, and the greater development space is a problem that must be considered and solved at present. At the same time, the promotion of traditional Chinese medicine in the United States has a legitimate and proper status. Besides trade, education is also an important link. The American federation of traditional Chinese medicine has made efforts to train Chinese medicine talents. We all have a feeling that people in the Chinese medicine industry seem to be getting older and younger and younger. We hope that through education and training, we can train the next generation and groom successors for traditional Chinese medicine.

      Association of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) industry in Australia Ma Anyang said that in the past few decades, took traditional Chinese medicine to the overseas, not only benefit the overseas Chinese community, also see China apply in the service of the national treasure of traditional Chinese medicine, is the dream of all the people of Chinese medicine. The dream has persisted to this day, and has brought TCM into more than 180 countries and regions. He reviewed the history of the development of traditional Chinese medicine and the legal framework of traditional Chinese medicine, and pointed out that the Chinese medicine industry has entered a very formal stage. But he said the development of traditional Chinese medicine in Australia still faces three mountains of negative lists, positive lists and standard Chinese medicine standards.

      Bojin MAO, director of international relations at the university of semmelvis university in Hungary, introduced the experience, practical results and future plans of the introduction of TCM. He said that we have been with China for more than 10 years, with many Chinese partners, signing many multilateral agreements and carrying out various exchanges and cooperation. Both sides are committed to understanding each other's culture and building a good professional relationship. We have established a cooperative relationship with Shanghai jiao tong university, heilongjiang medical university, tianjin medical university and Shanghai university of traditional Chinese medicine to promote the development of bilateral cooperation. And, at this moment, I can stand here, supported by the Hungarian people, government and professional organizations.

      The dean of the school of health of the university of semmelvis in Hungary, najee zoltan, introduced the basic situation of the school and the cooperation with Chinese universities. He says many people in Hungary are fond of traditional Chinese medicine and support the establishment of traditional Chinese medicine in Hungary. He was very happy to be able to attend the meeting, and he hoped that he would gain more during the meeting.

      Zheng qiming, President of the association of Chinese medicine practitioners and practitioners of the Philippines, believes that the development of Chinese medicine overseas is very positive. But he also said that TCM services are out of touch with Chinese medicine. In the context of industrialization, trade should be the antecedent. He thinks, the meaning of industrialization, one is integration, two is scale, three is to improve. That is to say, when the service of traditional Chinese medicine develops to a certain level, Chinese traditional medicine whether to enter a country by food or medicine, as long as it is lawful. As long as the scale of trade can be established, it is a prerequisite for the development of TCM. At the same time, he also called on all Chinese pharmaceutical companies to promote the development of the whole industry in the premise of ensuring their development, and to have a sense of mission.

      Canada's health center, huang guojian, introduced the development of traditional Chinese medicine in Canada. He said that since launching his own TCM acupuncture clinic in 2009, it has been almost 15 years since TCM acupuncture is very popular in Canada, especially popular with white locals. "If I had 20 patients a day, nine out of ten would be westerners. They usually don't talk about your acupuncture, they just look at the effect. The effect is good, OK, I pay." In addition, TCM acupuncture in Canada is gradually covered by insurance, which has a positive effect on the development of traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture.

      European traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) chamber of commerce, ramon said in Europe, the clinical diagnosis and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine mainly in private clinics, which directly caused the authority of the general public and the limitation of the contact between policy makers. But it is also a rare opportunity to introduce TCM medical practice to public and private hospitals in eu countries, which also need to rely on the cooperation of relevant Chinese medical institutions. At the same time, given the lack of legislation for a serious impediment to spread abroad development of traditional Chinese medicine, he also suggested that in 2019 the "area" of international cooperation in the peak BBS, set up a dedicated to discuss the TCM legislation an official job BBS, governments should also be prepared as soon as possible, to promote the project BBS.

      The BBS sponsored by the China association for medical supplies, nearly 100 global pharmaceutical industry group collaborative support, strive to create a pharmaceutical industry prosperity, open road, the road of innovation, the road of civilization.