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Folk cure gastritis folk prescription, teach you how to eat the stomach healthy


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Folk cure gastritis folk prescription, teach you how to eat the stomach healthy

Health nourishing

In this fast-paced life, gastritis is a common disease in today's society. So, how to treat gastritis? Medicine pays attention to the medicine. So let's see. According to sexual selection of gastritis!

1. Fresh fruit

(1) the fruit of sexual temperature has orange, litchi, osmanthus and cherries. There are invigorating spleen and nourishing the stomach and nourishing the spleen and stomach.

(2) the fruits of the sex cold are pear, orange, orange, grapefruit, persimmon, plum, loquat, banana, pineapple, watermelon, sugarcane, water chestnut, kiwifruit, lemon, olives. It has the effect of debridement and stomach-invigoration, and should be given to the vulva.

(3) the fruits have peach, apricot, pomegranate, FIG, grape, Yang mei, wumei, apple. The spleen and stomach can be invigorated, and the spleen and stomach are weak.

2. Fresh vegetables

(1) the vegetables with warm temperature have leeks, Onions, garlic, peppers, cilantro, onion bulbs, mustard greens, squash. There is warm sun, appetizing effect, suitable for the weak of the spleen and stomach, do not give to Yin deficiency of fire.

(2) cool vegetables are carrots, Chinese cabbage, celery, tarragon, spinach, shepherd's purse, bracken, day lily, bamboo shoots, water bamboo, lotus root, sweet potato, malan head, wolfberry miao, eggplant, gourd, wax gourd, cucumber, sponge gourd, bitter gourd, kelp, black moss. There is clear heat to remove phlegm, appetizing effect, suitable for the stomach to be hot phlegm, do not give the spleen and stomach deficiency.

(3) the vegetable of sexual flat has carrot, cabbage, caraway, potato, fungus, shiitake. It has the effect of invigorating the spleen, invigorating the spleen, nourishing the spleen and stomach.

3. Poultry eggs meat

(1) the food of sexual temperature has chicken, mutton, dog meat, beef, dog whip, sheep kidney, goat's milk, pig liver, pork belly, chicken liver. It has the effect of invigorating the stomach and invigorating qi and invigorating the blood.

(2) the food has rabbit meat, frog meat, goat liver, pig pulp and pig skin. The spleen and stomach, the detoxification of the heat, should be weak and the fire, avoid the spleen and stomach deficiency.

(3) the food of the sexual flat is wuji, quail meat, duck meat, pigeon meat, pork, pig heart, pig kidney, pig's feet, beef belly, cow liver, milk, egg, pigeon egg, chicken blood, goose blood. There are liver and kidney, beneficial qi and blood effect, suitable for liver and kidney inhuman, avoid phlegm heavy cold.

4. Aquatic food

(1) the water products of sexual temperature include silver carp, grass carp, herring, eel, belt fish, sea cucumber, sea shrimp, and fresh vegetables. There is a supplement to the spleen and the stomach, the beneficial kidney to help Yang effect, appropriate to the Yang deficiency blood loss, do not give to the Yin deficiency fire.

(2) cold water products include crabs, frogs, and snails. There is qinghot nourishing Yin, cool blood to eliminate the irritation effect, appropriate give Yin vain fire, do not give the spleen and stomach the cold person.

(3) there are carp, crucian carp, cuttlefish, yellow fish, pomfret, sea bass, eel, sea jelly, turtle meat, turtle meat and oyster meat. It is beneficial to the stomach and moistened lungs to supplement the deficiency of the stomach.