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Today is the festival of traditional Chinese medicine. It was almost wiped out in the last century


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Today is the festival of traditional Chinese medicine. It was almost wiped out in the last century

The 2018-03-17 sohu

Today is the festival of traditional Chinese medicine - the Chinese national medicine festival. Its establishment dates back to the 1920s, when TCM, which lasted for thousands of years, suffered a "life and death" crisis.

At the end of the qing dynasty, western medicine took root in China after opening the door of China, and made remarkable achievements in surgical treatment, ophthalmic treatment and infectious diseases. In contrast, traditional Chinese medicine is declining, especially after the May 4th movement.

Cultural celebrity Chen duxiu, lu xun, hu shi, liang shu-ming, guo moruo, ba jin, have successively attitude toward TCM showed mistrust or discrimination, which directly affected the government's policy of traditional Chinese medicine.

In 1925, traditional Chinese medicine wanted to integrate TCM knowledge into education, but it failed because of resistance from western medicine.

On February 23, 1929, the national government held its first health conference, and none of the people in this room had traditional Chinese medicine. Yu yunxiu, a medical scientist who has studied in Japan, drafted and proposed a bill to abolish the old medicine to remove the health care problem (traditional Chinese medicine).

Abolish the traditional Chinese medicine faction leader: yu yunxiu.

The discussion at that session concluded that "the first day of the old doctor is not divided, the public mind is unchanged, the new medical profession is not on the day, and the health administration cannot progress on a single day. For the national evolution plan, to improve people's livelihood, we must not take drastic measures.

Mr Yu's proposal was adopted, officially titled "the principles of the old medical registration". But perhaps because the proposal is too radical, the approach adopted by the conference at the end of the day is much more conciliatory. The bill provides for the abolition of the three principles of traditional Chinese medicine: "a: the registration of an old doctor is limited to the nineteenth year of the republic of China; B: no old medical schools; C: other non-scientific publications such as news magazines and other non-scientific publications, such as the introduction of old medicine, the ministry of health is trying to make the cameras.

As soon as the news broke, the Chinese medical community exploded.

In Shanghai alone, more than 1, 000 Chinese medical professionals went out of business and took to the streets in protest. On March 17, the Chinese medicine community, which was unprecedentedunited, held the national medical association conference in Shanghai, with 262 people from 15 provinces and 131 groups. The slogan of the conference is "to advocate Chinese medicine is to preserve Chinese cultural economy" "long live Chinese medicine". The day of the meeting was designated as the anniversary of the great unity of traditional Chinese medicine, the founding of the general federation and the organization of the nanjing petition group.

Since then, the health minister's then Xue Dubi openly and without a repeal of traditional Chinese medicine, many times and when facing the petition on behalf of the said: "when the minister one day, I will not allow the proposal won." Chiang kai-shek also said, "I am absolutely supportive of traditional Chinese medicine. You can rest assured." Shortly afterwards, the petition was received by the civilian government of the national government.

Chinese medicine has escaped this "robbery", but the debate about it is far from over. In the 21st century, many anti-chinese practitioners still want to "abolish traditional Chinese medicine" as in 1929.

Fang zhouzi, a "fake fighter", has written a column on the Internet for anti-chinese medicine, including hundreds of articles. In view of the previously reported "fritillary bulb become pipagao in popular in the United States", he also said the fritillary bulb become pipagao in eating may not ", said the unibract fritillary bulb alkaloids harmful, "fritillary bulb become pipagao in ate is not good, not only harm instead, even there is a lot of harm, could lead to cancer of the liver, eat not."


2006, central south university of science and technology and social development institute, professor zhang gongyao, published "farewell to TCM", and another physician and launched the "solicitation to traditional Chinese medicine" from the national health system signature. At that time, the ministry of health spokesperson said that traditional Chinese medicine is an integral part of China's medical and health field, and "the combination of Chinese and western medicine" is one of the guidelines for China's health work.

The quarrels that cannot be stopped always revolve around the "essence" of traditional Chinese medicine -- the traditional Chinese traditional Chinese medicine is based on the changes of Yin and Yang, the organs and organs, and the blood and blood of the fluid. Opponents believe that Yin and Yang and traditional Chinese medicine are cultural and metaphysical, which are not related to science. Some proponents of traditional Chinese medicine argue that it is not necessary to prove that "traditional Chinese medicine is also science", and that the TCM itself is very different from that of western medicine. Also there are traditional Chinese medicine says, oneself also will see the western medicine laboratory report, the traditional Chinese medicine is advancing with The Times.