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Autumn anti - cancer just sent you 12 words


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Autumn anti - cancer just sent you 12 words

The 2018-10-22 People's Daily online

Cold air strikes, sustained winds cool weather, Beijing will continue to 9, the highest temperature there is around 16 ℃, the lowest temperature is 6 ℃ or so. As the temperature drops in autumn, it is time to protect your body from disease.

Eat a mixed diet

He xiulan, deputy director of oncology department of Oriental hospital of Beijing university of Chinese medicine, said today that regular consumption of broccoli can prevent breast cancer; Tomorrow, said that to eat the champion of cancer prevention dishes sweet potato, for the constant new cancer prevention recipes, many people have not fully understand the new variety. Actually, prevent cancer food actually not complex, want to remember a word only "miscellaneous" ok.

Miscellaneous, reflect in each meal first thick and thin collocation, have animal husbandry, breed as much as possible. Instead of maintaining a regular diet for a long time, change your diet regularly to make your nutrient intake more balanced. Miscellaneous, still reflect in do not want to eat the food that comes from same area for a long time, the grain of different area, vegetable, fruit should change to eat as far as possible. Also, be sure to switch brands when buying food.

Less oil and water

Chinese cancer foundation sui chenguang: Fried dough sticks, Fried cakes, Fried cake, Fried dough cakes, and coking circle, traditional breakfast for Chinese people; Chips, Fried chicken legs, chips, young people and children's new favorite food, in the end, these delicious are inseparable from the word "oil." Oil, that is, fat, is one of the three great sources of dietary energy (sugars, proteins, and fats). At present, almost everyone's daily intake of fat is overweight!

Modern medical research has shown that long-term intake of a high-fat diet increases the risk of breast cancer, endometrial cancer, colorectal cancer, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer and lung cancer. Because excess fat on the one hand increases calorie intake, resulting in excess calories leading to obesity; On the other hand, many carcinogens are fat-soluble and are present in fat, and an excess of total fat and animal fat intake increases the risk of cancer.

Try to avoid frying, frying and other unhealthy cooking methods in daily life, and reduce the intake of Fried food when eating out. When using edible oil, the main vegetable oil with higher content of unsaturated fatty acids is olive oil and corn oil.

Exercise is good for

Bi xiaofeng, deputy chief physician of the cancer prevention and physical examination center of tumor hospital of Chinese academy of medical sciences: an epidemiological study shows that 25% of the global cancer incidence is related to overweight and static lifestyle. A study conducted by experts at the world cancer research foundation found that moderate to intense physical activity of 30 to 60 minutes a day reduced the risk of cancer.

It has been proved that physical exercise has a clear preventive effect on colon cancer, postmenopausal breast cancer and endometrial cancer. On the contrary, overweight, obesity, sedentary and other conditions can or may increase the risk of some cancers.

The total amount of physical activity that is beneficial to health should be moderate or above, and the frequency should be 3-5 days per week. In addition to regular exercise every week, we can use our spare time at work to move our bodies. All physical activities are beneficial, such as squatting, stretching, and leg pressing to help eliminate fatigue and improve blood circulation.