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Sanjiu buyi winter for the next year without illness old traditional Chinese medicine for health start of winter


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Sanjiu buyi winter for the next year without illness old traditional Chinese medicine for health start of winter

2018-11-08 changsha city

Star online November 8 news (correspondent Chen shuanghu cuie) the beginning of winter festival has arrived, people entered the cold winter. The explanation of the seventy-two Pentecostal pentecostals of the moon says: "li, jianshi also. Winter, the end also, all things also collect." "The beginning of winter is the beginning of a year of yangqisheng, long, harvest and Tibet -- 'Tibet'," said Chen qihua, a national clinical talent in traditional Chinese medicine and a professor at the first affiliated hospital of hunan university of traditional Chinese medicine. The cold winter is coming and everything is stored away to avoid the cold. At this time, the yangqi in the body gradually increases, and the yinqi gradually rises.

The living

Get up at sunrise and go to bed before 10 o 'clock

The huangdi neijing (inner Canon of huangdi) states: "in March, winter, no disturbance to the sun, early to sleep and late to get up, must stay in the sun". Its meaning is: winter raises health, most want to comply with avoid hide, avoid cold hide warm, must sleep early and get up late. "Winter night stretch foot lying, a warm all over" to "raise Tibet" Yang qi. People should appropriately go to bed early, morning is inadvisable get up too early, if time allows, had better wait for the sun to rise, when Yang qi grows hair, in order to assure enough sleep, be helpful for Yang qi to hide. At the same time, we should avoid staying up late, because the temperature is low at night and cold air can easily affect human body and cause disease, especially the old people and children, try to go to bed before 10 o 'clock.

When the temperature is low after the beginning of winter, we should pay attention to keeping warm and keeping warm, especially for head, neck, waist and lower limbs. When going out, we should wear comfortable and warm clothes. We can wear hats, gloves and scarves. Had better insist every night with lukewarm water (can add a few ginger, Chinese prickly ash to wait) bubble foot, can quicken the blood circulation of lower limb and whole body, be helpful for lukewarm Yang cold evil.


Eat less cold and cold drinks and eat more warm and hot food

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the principle corresponding to the five elements, after the beginning of winter diet should be to fill "black" mainly, should eat some black beans, black sesame, black rice, black fungus, hair vegetables, sea cucumber and other black food. These black foods are rich in protein, fat, amino acids, vitamins and essential minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc and selenium, which are good for human health.

In the diet also needs to "warm up", less accumulation of acid, prevention of disease. After the beginning of winter should eat less cold cold cold drink, eat more warm, hot especially with the effect of warming kidney Yang food, such as lamb, beef, ginger, leek, longan, etc. At the same time, we should also add some food that can strengthen the spleen, nourish the stomach or enrich the liver and kidney, such as lotus seed, Gordon euryale, date, bird's nest, tremella, pig liver, agaric ear, black date, sesame, black bean, pork spine, sea cucumber, turtle, abalone, etc.


Inner spirits, emotional peace, do not exultation great grief

The ancients said, "winter and march Let a man shut himself up and hide himself. After the beginning of winter, people's spirit should be reserved and keep a peaceful mind. To ensure the balance and harmonization of Yin and Yang in winter, first of all, inner defense of the spirit is required, emotional peace, no great joy, great sorrow, no shock of Yang qi, so that the body Yang qi is stored and stored in the inner, preserving energy, which is conducive to the spring of the growth and development of Yang qi.

The diseases that are easy to occur in winter are mostly closely related to emotion, such as high blood pressure and coronary heart disease. Therefore, it is also possible to prevent the occurrence of these diseases to have a stable mind and a good mood. In the life can cultivate the hobby that cultivate one's morality raises a gender, if raise a flower, practice character, listen to light music, read a book to wait.


Stretch, jog, light exercise

Yang qi is the foundation of all things growing, accordingly, winter cannot because the weather is cold shut oneself in the room, human body should feel the cold and cool air between the heaven and earth appropriately, walk outside, arouse the potential of the body, improve body immunity. Start of winter exercise is necessary, the right amount of exercise can strengthen the body resistance to resist the attack of disease. Winter is cold, the person's limbs are relatively stiff, before exercise warm up activity is very important. Such as stretching, jogging, light equipment of the right amount of exercise, make the body slightly sweat after, again undertake high strength fitness exercise. Dress according to the weather conditions, mainly to keep warm against cold. Put on your clothes after you exercise to avoid catching cold.

Attention should be paid to the winter sports, and change clothes in time after sweating, so as to avoid the invasion of cold and damp. Be prepared to warm up before exercise. Due to low temperature, the flexibility of ligaments and joints of the body will be reduced, which will lead to sports injuries. Exercise time is best arranged in sunny morning or afternoon, also can be carried on indoors, lest catch cold cold cold.

After the beginning of winter is an important solar term for health maintenance. The so-called "sanjiu supplement one winter, the next year without pain", master the correct method of health maintenance, develop a good living habit, pay special attention to solid Yang qi, the next year can have a healthy body.