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Cough is difficult to cure six classics differentiate cure to have advantage


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Cough is difficult to cure six classics differentiate cure to have advantage

The 2018-11-16 health

Cough is very common in clinic, especially after the beginning of autumn, cough patients increased significantly. From the name of western medicine, cough is more common in laryngogenic cough, allergic cough, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia and so on. If the maltreatment, easy to become chronic disease, repeatedly difficult to cure.

In clinical practice, the author realized that cough could be differentiated according to the six classics theory in treatise on typhoid fever and simplified from complex to simple. The six meridians take the three Yin and three Yang as the main thread, but in the cough differentiation and treatment, it is mostly two oecd disease or multiple meridians combined disease. If see cough to treat cough, not only invalid, still cause lung gas yu to close extremely easily, want to differentiate cold and hot empty and solid further so, still be in in the table, it is watch evil to clip drink to still clip drink less Yin, still clip drink less Yang.

Identify external or internal injuries first

"Neijing" said: "the five zang-fu are cough, not only lung. Since ancient times, ancient medical experts have discussed cough a lot, and there are thousands of cough prescriptions. So - called multi - channel and road, resulting in complex clinical syndrome differentiation is difficult to grasp. But no matter what causes cough, the pathogenesis involves the lungs. To chronic cough, this qi is empty first, suffer evil spirit outside, cold heat is mixed at random see more. So in the treatment of syndrome differentiation to distinguish false and seek truth, the first thing to distinguish is the external cough, cough or internal injury.

Exogenous cough takes exorcism as the first, and internal injury cough should explore its Yin and Yang, cold and heat, and deficiency and reality. Yang deficiency more water wet stop, Yin deficiency more see empty fire inside burning, but phlegm drink secretly occupy, empty viscera qi decline. Deficiency in solid, by cold heat, but the overall pathogenesis is lung loss clearing, lung qi on the reverse. In clinical practice, the author often starts from the six classics and works together with special drugs for specific diseases to achieve obvious results.

Six classics differentiate syndrome zha cent type

So, how does cough come by 6 classics differentiate syndrome cent?

1. Evidence of the sun

Cough outside the wind-cold syndrome is the most common, treatment with ephedra decoction as the main prescription. Clinical should distinguish is outside cold or inside cold, still be inside and outside cold. The main manifestations of external cold are aversion to cold, fever, joint pain in the whole body, pale tongue moss white, pulse floating tight, ephedra soup is the first choice; Internal cold is mainly manifested as cough and asthma, fatigue, no god, mouth and, pulse is weak, the first choice ephedra aconitum asarum soup; Cold inside and outside is mainly manifested as cough and asthma, sputum clear thin, cold fingers, tongue moss white, pulse fine, preferred four reverse soup.

2. Shaoyang yu reheat syndrome

This type often has two kinds of situations :(1) cough accompanied by dry mouth bitter, cold hands and feet or sour waist pain symptoms, tongue slant red moss greasy, pulse string tight, sink to get weak, this is shaoyang shaoyin combined disease, with small chai hu soup with four adverse soup flavor. (2) cough with dry mouth and heavy pulse, this is ze lacquer soup syndrome. The cough characteristic of card of ze lacquer soup is much delay, cough time is long, after getting up in the morning or morning aggravate. When using lustre lacquer soup, often go osmanthus branch. Because ze lacquer soup patients are pharyngeal red, so to osmanthus branch often hang gold lamp.

Sun shaoyin syndrome

The expression is complexion is white, evil cold is compared even waist is cold painful, nose is blocked flow runny nose, cough wheeze night is heavy, sensitive to cold air, tongue is light fat moss is white be greasy, pulse right inch is more heavy fine, treat with hemp add xin soup.

4. Taiyangyangminghe disease

Performance is cough and sweat, phlegm is yellow, pharynx ministry congest blood, coating on the tongue is yellow be bored with, pulse is slippery number, can use reed stem soup to unite with soup of small depression bosom.

Sun shaoyin shaoyang disease

Clinical expression is cough time is longer, dry mouth, pharynx is urticant, pharynx is dry, nocturnal cough aggravates, tongue is weak moss white, pulse is fine string, can use small qinglong decoction and small chai hu decoction to mix hemp to add xin decoction.

Special cough prescription

In addition, allergic cough is more common, adults, children are susceptible to this disease. Allergic cough, also known as cough variant asthma, is characterized by Yang deficiency. The main characteristic is cough is given priority to with morning and evening, aggravate after motion, choke cough is more apparent, sensitive to odour especially, atomization cure effect is not good. For this cough, the author commonly used two hemp four kernel soup. This square is Mr. Chen susheng's experience square, use very handy. Ephedra with ephedra root, a loose harvest. Peach kernel matches almond, one treats gas cent, one treats blood cent. Yu li ren with white kernels, a harvest. On this basis, the author often add plantain, forage grass, the effect is very fast. Consolidation period can be changed to six gentlemen soup with osmanthus twig plus keel oyster soup. Keel and oyster are a group of medicine, not only can improve the physique, but also have a certain truncation effect on the development of disease.

Anaphylaxis cough later stage still has a very important recuperative prescription -- zao zai SAN, use at treating Yang deficiency external feeling. Zhonghuangsan comes from the six books of typhoid fever. The original prescription is powder. This prescription is composed of ginseng and astragalus plus wind-dispelling drugs. Focus on the treatment of kidney, wind medicine can relieve bronchospasm and hypersensitivity. Clinically, drugs are often beaten into powders, 1 g to 3 g at a time to improve immunity. Zhonghuangsan anti - allergy, the effect is very good.