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Winter health should try these tips from diet and daily life


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Winter health should try these tips from diet and daily life

November 16, 2018 People's Daily online - sichuan channel

"The north wind sneaks into silent, not taste thick autumn has begun winter." Start of winter means the beginning of winter, want to spend the winter healthily, should proceed with from dietary daily life, follow the way that collect Yang yangyang raises Yin.

Winter health care attention to these four points!

Diet: moderate temperature

Shandong jining city hospital of traditional Chinese medicine nephropathy, spleen and stomach disease department of chief physician wang xiangsheng told everyone, winter Yang Yin heavy in kidney Yin, diet to light, can eat more yam, sweet potatoes, potatoes, chestnuts, walnuts and other kidney food.

Winter march, in order to increase the ability to keep out the cold can absorb more heat food, less raw cold, hot and dry food, eat less scallion, pepper, leeks and other spicy, Yang emanating things, so as not to cause the stomach and large intestine hot and dry fire attack, cause constipation, epistaxis and other symptoms, can eat more jujube, sesame, dried ginger, brown sugar isothermal cold food.

Wang xiangsheng reminded, winter tonic should be based on geographical and individual physical differences in the choice of food, the northern region of cold weather, it is appropriate to supplement cattle, sheep and other warm tonic products; Southern region of mild climate, should be supplemented with sweet and warm products, such as chicken, duck, fish; The plateau area with less rainfall and drier climate should be suitable for the product of gangrun and producing tianjin.

Daily life: Yang Yang Yang Yang

Winter living health to Yang Yang Yang Yin as the fundamental. Work and rest emphasize early to sleep and late to get up, can adjust work and rest with the rise and fall of the sun, every day to ensure 7 to 8 hours of sleep. Winter day is short, night is long, go to bed early be helpful for Yang gas is latent, rise late be helpful for Yin essence to accumulate. In addition to pay attention to the body warm, appropriate clothing, so as not to leak Yang.

"Element ask · angry tong tian lun" record has morning, noon, evening 3 when the law of work rest, 4 o 'clock in the morning is the most dangerous time of the day, at this time blood pressure, temperature is low, blood flow becomes slow, blood concentration and viscosity are the highest, so, the most prone to ischemic stroke and myocardial infarction. Especially some patients with cardio-cerebrovascular disease should be more attention.

Exercise: gentle and gentle is appropriate

"Winter moon is not suitable for early morning and late at night to offend the cold wei," wang said, pointing out that after the start of winter sports time should be in the morning after the sun appeared, after dinner should not go out for intense sports. Sweat is more discouraged, intense exercise is contrary to the way of winter Yang qi fu Tibet, so winter should choose light and slow exercise, such as eight duan jin, taijiquan, walking, etc., to slightly sweat out for the degree. Especially heart cerebrovascular and respiratory diseases, prohibit strenuous exercise, and to avoid cold stimulation.

Many people like winter swimming fitness, wang xiangsheng believes that winter swimming is not suitable for everyone, winter swimming exercise intensity, oxygen consumption, high requirements for cardiopulmonary function, so poor physical quality or the elderly with chronic diseases should be careful choice.

Mood: calm and carefree

Wang xiangsheng introduced, winter "Tibet" that is, god hidden in the spirit of peace, and strive to meet problems section anger, humiliation. Winter everything Withers, and the light time is short, melatonin secretion increases, easy to make people appear depressed or depressed, can be appropriate sun exposure, light can inhibit the secretion of this hormone, or talk to friends, can eliminate boredom and low mood. Avoid emotional excitement by all means, appear quarrel, angry move anger is easy liver gas yu knot, have apparent negative effect to the heart, have heart cerebrovascular disease person should notice to maintain mood is gentle especially, can choose the motion of cheerful body and mind according to oneself condition, wait like listening to music, raise a flower.