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50 years old woman health tips


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50 years old woman health tips

2018-11-14 feihua news

Actually, for female maintain, still have a lot of maintain a method, what food does the woman keep in good health eat better, what is the movement that suits 50 years old woman to keep in good health in ferial, next small make up go understanding together.

A 50-year-old woman's regimen

A 50-year-old woman's body is in decline in all aspects of the index, the skin will become dry, lose elasticity. At ordinary times should pay attention to prevent bask in, and should avoid ultraviolet ray irradiation for a long time. When the skin feels dry, you can spray some toner and so on.

Pay attention to motion, motion can accelerate human body metabolism, can eliminate the poisonous material inside the body, can make haemal circulation is accelerated, can the skin is smoother. And exercise can enhance physical fitness and immunity, regular exercise will make you feel younger and younger.

Eat more fruits and vegetables, less Fried food, try not to eat too greasy food, eat more fish, shrimp. Can also make some of their own skin jelly or eat more pig feet, which can be a good supplement to the collagen in the skin.

Drink more tea and try not to smoke or drink. Keep a good attitude and don't get angry too often. Make good friends so that you can communicate and feel more cheerful. Make yourself younger and younger.

50 - year - old woman health tips

Black morning glory rice and egg white amount daub on the face have go to freckle protect skin effect. Xanthium seeds into powder, after meals to take 3 grams, three times a day, used for blood loss and freckles. Pig's foot mask can remove wrinkles, peach blossom and winter melon kernel, etc., the right amount of honey at night daubed on the face moisturizing skin.

The food cure that 50 years old woman keeps in good health

Frost mulberry chrysanthemum cream: can nourishing the liver bright eye, fall blood pressure, have clear heat action. Tuckahoe lotus seed cake: eat every morning and evening one to two, can ning xin anshen and invigorate the spleen and kidney.

Schisandra fruit honey cream: take orally 1 to 2 times a day, 1 tablespoon each time, with boiled water, can nourish the heart, kidney, Yin, brain. Two winter sichuan shellfish paste: can quench thirst, eliminate trouble, clear the heart, moisten the lungs, stop cough and change phlegm, but also can decrease internal heat and nourishing Yin. Red date lily soup: this is the most familiar dessert, which can moisten the lungs and invigorate the qi, nourish the Yin and nourish the face.

What does 50 years old woman keep healthy eat good

1, hazelnuts, rich in vitamin e, can effectively alleviate aging, prevent the formation of wrinkles.

2, pistachios contain a lot of nutrients, and when these nutrients into the human body has the function of preventing cardiovascular disease, so is a small number of snacks can eat, but only one tablespoon at a time, more than that, like in a big mouth to drink oil, its sodium content is quite high, also need to pay attention to.

3, peanuts contain a lot of nutrients that the human body is lack of, but also contains a variety of amino acids required by the human body, regular consumption of peanuts can enhance memory, reduce blood pressure, delay aging.

Almonds are rich in vitamin E, as well as antioxidants called flavonoids, a group of plant nutrients found in wine, tea, and fruits and vegetables. These antioxidants help cells fight oxidative damage and prevent cardiovascular disease.

Chestnut contains a lot of starch, protein, fat, vitamins and so on. And these nutrients are exactly what our human body needs, so often take chestnut, can improve the body immunity, for hypertension, coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis and other diseases have a very good prevention and treatment role.

Walnuts contain a lot of vitamin e, which is the most ideal cosmetic agent for human skin, can play a role in relieving fatigue, and can also reduce the intestinal absorption of cholesterol.

Cashew nuts are rich in vitamins that can play an antioxidant role, which can effectively delay skin aging and maintain a youthful state.

Exercise suitable for a 50-year-old woman

1, dance square dance, can make people maintain a young mentality, cultivate sentiment, cultivate interest, exercise is not large, and can achieve the purpose of exercise.

Swimming and running instead of cycling. When people reach the age of 50, muscle and joint pain will become more and more obvious. However, they should not stop exercising because of this. At this time, some aerobic exercises that can increase heart rate are needed, and the impact on joints cannot be too strong.

Walking and yoga are good exercises. After the age of 50, balance and leg strength exercises should be strengthened, which can enhance the flexibility of the body and prevent accidental falls.

Exercises such as walking and yoga can improve a person's balance and strengthen their legs. Walking, which increases your heart rate, is a good exercise.

4. Weight-bearing exercise. Weight-bearing exercise at this stage can also help elderly people maintain healthy bones and prevent osteoporosis.