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A few dollars can treat old rheumatism, cervical spondylosis! Old Chinese doctors use this recipe all the time


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A few dollars can treat old rheumatism, cervical spondylosis! Old Chinese doctors use this recipe all the time

Voice of the aged

This cheap and simple method comes from liu guiliang, a retired doctor in the acupuncture department of the fourth hospital in hangzhou. A few dollars, can help you treat rheumatism, cervical spondylosis, and the effect is very good, liu guiliang's own cervical spondylosis is also used this method, the effect is significant.

This method is called garlic moxibustion. It is one of the moxibustion methods of traditional Chinese medicine. It can be done at home and takes ten minutes.

Garlic jiu

【 is 】

Pound a clove of raw garlic into garlic puree, take the size of the soybean portion, on a centimeter square of plastic paper;

Aim the garlic at the area of pain and place it on it. Use tape or band-aid to fix it.

【 note 】

Because garlic is volatile, plastic paper is essential even when secured with band-aids.

The time that garlic moxibustion sticks on the skin cannot exceed half an hour, if there is prickly sensation in the process, can peel off adhesive tape ahead of time, do not have side effect completely. The frequency of treatment depends on the severity of the disease, which can range from once a month to once a week if the disease is severe.

Pregnant women, diabetes patients, patients with skin allergies and children under the age of 8 years old, can not use; It is best to avoid tobacco, alcohol and stimulating food during treatment.

"The solution"

Traditional Chinese medicine thinks, garlic sex is warm, flavour is sharp, have detoxification, come loose painful, hemostasis, dispel wind to wait for effect, still be natural broad-spectrum plant antibiotic at the same time.

Garlic itself has the effect of removing cold, liu guiliang explained, garlic has a strong stimulant, can stimulate acupoints, but also the effect of sterilization. "In fact, the common rheumatic paste on the market, contains garlic, the main role is also garlic. It's not just rheumatism, it's neck pain, it's tonsillitis, it can be treated with garlic.

"In the early years, traditional Chinese medicine used garlic slices to stick to acupoints," liu said. My own cervical spondylosis is in this way, significantly improved.

In addition to garlic moxibustion, in daily life, we can also cooperate with blindly specialized treatment of rheumatism, joint pain, periarthritis of the shoulder to the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, this traditional Chinese medicine is mulberry branch.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that mulberry twig taste slightly bitter, flat, guigan meridian, with wind dehumidification, tongli joint effect, applicable to rheumatic pain, shoulder and arm and joint pain numbness, due to its mild medicine, whether wind cold and damp bi or rheumatic fever bi can be used, into a soup, both delicious and root out the disease.

Mulberry branch black bean pepper root pot lean meat

【 material 】

Mulberry branches 30g, black beans 50g, pepper root 50g, lean meat 350g

【 is 】

Wash the ingredients, add proper amount of water into the pot to boil, then add the above ingredients, simmer for 1 hour, seasoning can be.

"The solution"

Mulberry branch taste slightly bitter, flat, with wind dehumidification, tongli joint role; Black bean sex is flat, taste is sweet, have the effect of invigorating kidney and Yin and nourishing blood, it is commonly used health food; Pepper root has the effect of removing wind, clearing collaterals, regulating qi and activating blood circulation, relieving dampness and swelling.

Three things match, can not only strengthen the health, but also remove evil and clear collaterals, especially suitable for wind evil, moisture caused by joint pain, no special taboo.