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Can traditional Chinese medicine treat uremia? What dietary point does uremia have?


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Can traditional Chinese medicine treat uremia? What dietary point does uremia have?

2018-12-06 feihua news

Can traditional Chinese medicine treat uremia? Kidney disease has a great impact on our health, for the occurrence of such diseases, you should maintain an optimistic attitude in life. In fact, such diseases can be treated not only by western medicine, but also by our traditional Chinese medicine. Next, let's learn about the treatment.

Can see traditional Chinese medicine cure uremia

1, through the overall conditioning to improve physical fitness, enhance the ability to prevent and resist disease

Uremia patients due to the long-term erosion of toxins, waste, serious metabolic disorders, various organ functions are destroyed, so that the immune function of patients is seriously affected, therefore, due to the low immune function caused by a variety of infections is the main cause of death of uremia patients, is also an important factor affecting long-term survival. Traditional Chinese medicine plays a very definite role in regulating human immunity. Many single traditional Chinese medicines, such as astragalus, cordyceps sinensis and compound preparations, such as liuwei dihuang pill, guifu eight-flavor pill and buzhong yiqi pill, have been known for thousands of years and can regulate human immunity.

What is more valuable is that many traditional Chinese medicine treatment methods have a two-way regulation effect, so it is not easy to produce side effects in use, which is incomparable to any western medicine. In addition, traditional Chinese medicine also plays an exact role in regulating spleen and stomach and improving appetite. Many uremic patients often suffer from anorexia, constipation, nausea, vomiting and abdominal distension. Through the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, it can be significantly improved within a week or so, which can exactly make up for the deficiency of dialysis and western medicine treatment.

The patients with uremia have poor sleep and weak body, and the dialectical treatment of traditional Chinese medicine can also achieve better curative effect in a short term. Therefore, through the recuperation of traditional Chinese medicine, the physical condition of patients can be improved, the overall disease resistance ability has been greatly enhanced.

Ii. Protection of residual renal function

Uremia patients although has entered the last stage of renal failure, but there are residual renal function is five percent to 15, and that a mere five percent to 15 is very important, can help patients to discharge part of moisture, toxins, which greatly reduce the harmfulness of uremia patients with acute complications to dependence on dialysis water off also eased. Some scientific experiments and clinical studies have confirmed that traditional Chinese medicine has a better effect on the protection of residual renal function. Reasonable treatment and health care with traditional Chinese medicine can significantly alleviate the loss of residual renal function in patients with uremia and bring benefits to their long-term health.

What dietary point does uremia have

1. Low-protein diet patients in the stage of azotemia and uremia should mainly have a low-protein diet, and the protein should be mainly animal protein containing essential amino acids of human body, such as milk, eggs, fish, lean meat and so on. Get 20 grams of protein a day. This not only ensures the supply of essential amino acids for the body, but also enables the body to synthesize non-essential amino acids with non-protein nitrogen under the condition of low protein supply, so as to reduce nitrogenemia.

2, diet rich in vitamins food to be easy to digest and contain adequate vitamins, especially B vitamins, C, D. It is necessary to avoid mechanical damage to the digestive tract caused by coarse food, resulting in gastrointestinal bleeding. Nitrogen is qualitative hematic phase appetite is good patient, quantity of heat should not be less than every kilogram weight 35 calories, but the appetite that can inspect a patient to uremia phase and decide only. If the patient has a lot of urine, edema is not obvious, generally do not limit the amount of water.

3. Timely water and salt supplementation patients with uremic are prone to dehydration and hyponatremia, especially those with long-term loss of appetite, vomiting and diarrhea. Once it happens, supplement it immediately. But should notice the characteristic that uremic patient is poor to water, na tolerance, complement cannot excessive, lest cause hypernatremia or water poisoning.

4, pay attention to calcium, potassium patients with uremia blood potassium is generally low, the use of diuretics is very easy to occur after hypokalemia, then you can eat some fresh fruit and potassium chloride. Uremic patient blood calcium is often on the low side, can eat more calcium-rich foods, such as fish, shrimp, meat bone soup.