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The three treasures of traditional Chinese medicine


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The three treasures of traditional Chinese medicine

People's Daily online - life times

Facing a pile of delicious food but no appetite? Did not take care to eat much or ate fat food not to digest, abdomen bilges afflictive? Might as well try Chinese medicine "xiaoshi three treasure".

Chicken gizzard. Jineijin is the inner wall of the dry sand sacs of domestic chickens. It is recorded in the ancient Chinese medicine book "Chinese materia medica" that "jineijin has sweet taste and flat nature, and enters the spleen, stomach, small intestine and bladder meridian", which can strengthen the spleen and stomach, digestion and digestion, and is a good medicine for strengthening the stomach and digestion. Chicken gold directly touches the inner layer of food, which is the first "vanguard" of food digestion. From the perspective of modern medicine, its chemical composition contains gastrointestinal hormones, keratin and so on, which is conducive to strengthening the stomach and digestion. So the person with bad digestive function, can eat gold of a few chicken lining, enhance digestive function. To the indigestion that after social intercourse drinks brings about, ji neijin also is blindly good traditional Chinese medicine. It is recommended to grind the minced chicken with 10 grams of intragin and fry the thick soup three times a day.

The divine comedy. Divine music is a special stomach-strengthening and digestible dosage form, which is composed of artemisia annua, white flour, red beans, xanthium, polygonum annuum (li nian o), almonds, which is fermented after adding flour or bran to mix. Since the six components of the divine comedy represent the six ancient gods and beasts: qinglong, white tiger, zhuque, basaltic, teng snake, hook Chen, six tastes in one, so it is also known as the six divine comedy. Its composition has volatile oil, glucoside kind, adipose oil and B group vitamin to wait, and divine music ferment produced a lot of biology enzymatic, can jianpi and stomach, digestion changes accumulate. Divine comedy is mainly used for the treatment of indigestion caused by eating too much at night, as well as the effect of strengthening the spleen and warming the stomach. The patient can take 10 grams of hawthorn, 8 grams of divine comedy, water decoction temperature, one dose a day. Nevertheless, "spleen-yin is empty, the person with stomach fire sheng is unfavorable with", because divine comedy "can fall an embryo" again, pregnant woman had better not use it to treat indigestion.

Coke hawthorn. Many patients often ask: fresh hawthorn is not more stimulating spleen and stomach? What difference does the hawthorn that fry coke have with general hawthorn? Fresh hawthorn is used for invigorating blood circulation, removing blood stasis and relieving pain, while burnt hawthorn is used for digestion and guiding stagnation. Chinese medicine thinks, the acidity after hawthorn stirs coke is abate, bitter flavour is strengthened, can use at meat-eating to accumulate sluggish, epigastric bilge is full, diarrhoea dysentery abdominal pain. When edible can add brown sugar or caramel malt to wait, water is decocted take or blunt take can, can improve taste already, can strengthen the effect again. Be aware, however, that not all accumulations apply to burnt hawthorn. Coke hawthorn need not fill only, so the digestive system disease patient such as weak of spleen and stomach, gastric acid is overmuch, and the person during taking tonic medicine should follow doctor's advice.