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Heavy snow solar term, Chinese medicine remind to remember the seven principles, warm and Yang qi only ranked third!


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Heavy snow solar term, Chinese medicine remind to remember the seven principles, warm and Yang qi only ranked third!

The 2018-12-07 central radio website

"The moon seventy-two hou ji jie" said: "snow, November festival, so far and snow sheng. At this time of the year, snow often falls on a large, wide area, so the name snow.

The arrival of heavy snow solar term, indicating officially entered the coldest time in winter, and the weather is dry, low humidity, health care is particularly important at this time.

From the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine health, snow solar term is a good time for health maintenance, how to do it?

Keep seven principles in mind when it comes to snow terms and health

1. Proper nutrition

Moderation means being just right. Not too much, not less than. If too cautious, it will lead to conditioning, at a loss what to do. A little work is afraid of gas consumption, a little heat and cold of the different will be closed, food for fear of fat and fat and diet less food, such a state, because of raising too much and constrained, not only damage to health, but also can not "end the year".

2, do not over feed

Comprehensive conditioning should be moderate. Some people regard "tonic" as nourishing. Therefore, diet emphasizes nutrition and must be replenished. Living and living stress ease, quiet and unique; In addition, it is supplemented by tonic drugs.

Although food fills, medicine fills, jing Yang is in keep in good health category, but use too much can affect health instead. Just as some people eat too much will appear nutrition surplus, too much static maintenance only yibulao will appear movement disorder, if the medicine is too much will occur Yin and Yang partial prosperity partial decline, make the body metabolism imbalance and counterproductive.

3. Keep warm and protect Yang qi

Winter belongs to Yin, in order to protect Yin essence, should be less fluid. Therefore, winter "go cold and warm", prevention of cold invasion is necessary. But not warm, especially avoid thick clothes heavy fur coat, drunk to the fire, baking belly and back, warm sweat.

The term of snow is characterized by dryness and low humidity. Clothes should increase with the decrease of temperature, appropriate warmth close-fitting, do not make the skin open sweat, protect Yang qi from encroachment. The temperature at night can be lower, should add more clothes to be covered when the night lies, make limbs warm, gas blood is fluent, can avoid the happening of a lot of diseases so, wait like cold, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, cerebral thrombosis.

4, live early and sleep late

In heavy snow season, the temperature difference between morning and evening is huge. People should go to bed early and get up late. People should take proper exercise to improve their ability to adapt to climate change. But don't go outside until the sun comes out, because that's when plants start to photosynthesize and the oxygen content in the air slowly increases. Going to bed early and getting up late is not sleeping in late. Too much or not enough sleep can lead to decreased metabolic function and harm physical and mental health. If conditions permit, go to bed 1 to 2 hours earlier and wake up 1 to 2 hours later than usual in winter.

Before sleeping had better use hot blisters foot 30 minutes, water temperature should control 45~60 Celsius between. In particular, drug foot bubble can help those who can not take tonic Yang medicine warm limbs, and avoid taking medicine to bring the symptoms of fire.

5, daily attention should be paid to protect the "two ends"

The arrival of heavy snow solar term is when the weather is cold, we should pay attention to the daily head and feet to keep warm. Because the head is the hui of all Yang, and cold from the foot, these two parts keep warm had better, the body ability is really warm, give birth to disease less. The most important thing to keep warm is the head. Studies have found that when the temperature is 4 degrees Celsius, about 60% of the body's heat will be lost from the head. The lower the temperature, the more heat will be lost from the head. Go out to wear a hat now, to the person that has heart cerebrovascular disease especially important.

Improve your mood eat more bananas and oats

This winter, there are many smoggy days, which can make people gloomy. If you want to improve your mood, you can eat more "happy food" and recommend cereals such as bananas and oats. The pantothenic acid that banana place contains wait for an ingredient, it is human body "happy hormone", can reduce psychological pressure, release tension and melancholy; Cereals such as oats are rich in carbohydrates and B vitamins, which can maintain the stability of the nervous system, increase energy metabolism, and help fight stress and depression.

7, drinking water dryness, ventilation brain

Snow solar term, indoor climate is dry, although winter sweat, urine output decreased, but the brain and body organs of the cells still need moisture nutrition, to ensure normal metabolism. Winter general daily rehydration should not be less than 2000 ~ 3000 ml.

Winter indoor air pollution than outdoor serious dozens of times, should pay attention to often open doors and Windows ventilation, in order to clean the air, invigorate the brain.

What customs do you know about the heavy snow solar terms?

The customs of snow solar term mainly include pickled meat, eating sweet potato porridge, watching the closure of the river and eating mutton for tonic. Today, I will introduce these four customs to you.

1, snow cured meat

One of the customs of heavy snow is to marinate meat. As the saying goes, "pickles with light snow, meat with heavy snow". When the heavy snow comes, every family is busy pickling "salty goods". Whether it's poultry or seafood, fresh ingredients are traditionally processed into fragrant treats for the upcoming New Year.

Eat sweet potato porridge

There is a saying in northern shandong that "the stone roller drives over the door; he only drinks red sticky porridge", which means that he no longer visits the door when it is cold, but drinks warm sweet potato porridge at home.

In old people spleen and stomach is weak, want to drink sweet potato congee more, because it is easy to digest, protect gastric bowel, still can promote gastric bowel movement, make defecate more relaxed, still can get rid of constipation trouble. Eat sweet potato had better match a bit pickles, can restrain gastric acid effectively.

3, watch the closure of the river

"Small snow land, snow river", the north has "thousands of miles of ice, snow floating" natural landscape, the south also has "flying snow, silver sky" charming picture. When it comes to snow terms, the ice in the river is frozen and people can skate and play with their hearts.

The term of heavy snow, the northern region is already snow-covered, and snowman, skating, skiing and snowball rolling, is the young people's favorite outdoor activities. As for people who like to stay indoors, a bowl of hot soup or a hot pot is an affordable way to keep out the cold.

4, snow replenishment

"The winter mutton strength tonic, may go up the mountain to beat the tiger." Snow is the best tonic for mutton. Mutton cold tonic, qi tonic deficiency, promote blood circulation, enhance cold ability. Mutton can also increase digestive enzymes to help digestion. The expert suggests, edible mutton is fed in winter, can wait with yam, medlar "mix build", nutrition is richer.

Shanghai people pay attention to food tonic, Chinese cabbage bought stewed meat, cooking a bowl of "shredded pork paste", taste sweet and sour delicious red hawthorn, are good eating habits in snow season. Before and after the term of heavy snow, citrus fruits are listed in large quantities, such as nanfeng honey orange, guanxi glaze, navel orange, snow orange are now "red" fruit, eat more water can supplement the fight against dry winter.