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Low immunity easy to catch a cold 3 medicine diet to improve immunity


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Low immunity easy to catch a cold 3 medicine diet to improve immunity

Family doctor online

As we all know, immunity is the body's ability to resist foreign invasion when it is invaded by external interference. The harm with low immunity is very big, what does the expression with low immunity have? It can be manifested as easy to fatigue, low spirit, easy to catch a cold or other diseases. As for the population most vulnerable to low immunity, it is infants and young children, many of whose body functions and organs are not fully developed, who are the most vulnerable groups to be affected by bacteria due to low immunity.

Harm of low immunity, what are the manifestations of low immunity:

1. The body with low immunity is prone to infection or cancer; Supernormal immunity can also have harmful effects on children's immunity, such as causing allergic reactions and autoimmune diseases.

2. Due to various reasons, the immune system cannot normally play a protective role. In this case, bacteria, viruses, fungi and other infections are easily caused. Because often sicken, aggravate airframe to use up, have constitution commonly so weak, malnutrition, spirit is flagging, tired and impotence, appetite drops, morpheus obstacle to wait for a performance, fall ill, inject take medicine to became commonplace. Each illness takes a long time to recover and often comes back to haunt you. In the long run this will lead to poor physical and mental development, but also easy to cause major diseases.

3. The deep reason is the low or incomplete immunity. When the human body's immune function is maladjusted, or the immune system is not sound, the following problems will repeatedly attack: -- cold repeated attacks, tonsillitis repeated attacks, asthma repeated attacks, bronchitis repeated attacks, pneumonia repeated attacks, diarrhea repeated attacks... So never underestimate.

4, often feel tired -- often do not work up, a little bit tired, go to the hospital examination did not find what organic lesions, after a period of time to rest your energy and ease, sustainable for a few days, fatigue again appeared.

3. Medical diet for good immunity:

Cassia seed chrysanthemum tea

Material: cassia seed 3 money, chrysanthemum 3 money, medlar 2 money.

Instructions: after washing all herbs, boil them in water to 500 to 1000c.c, depending on the concentration you prefer. Tea drinks, can drink all day, but the proposal drinks quantity to reduce in the evening, lest increase the burden of intestines and stomach digestion. This tea is suitable for everyone. Cassia clear liver bright eyes, runchang tongbian; Chrysanthemum can improve the symptoms of dry and itchy eyes in spring. However, it should be noted that children are pure Yang physique, body changes are large, a little do not pay attention to or fill over easy to flow nosebleeds, it is recommended to drink chrysanthemum tea alone, constipation can add a small amount of wolfberry, if you want to match other traditional Chinese medicine, you need to see a doctor first, by the professional Chinese medicine doctor according to the current physical condition and physical condition, to give appropriate recuperation.

Angelica medlar chicken soup

Ingredients: half a fresh chicken, 1 yuan angelica slice, 3 to 5 yuan medlar, 2 yuan chrysanthemum.

Description: chicken cut into pieces, scald to remove blood, add washed herbs together with stew, chicken soft rotten can be eaten. This medicaments diet suits the person of constitution of desiccant heat, change a season because of wind evil influence in spring, often have the allergy symptom such as skin urticant, dry and urticant eye.

[nourishing the liver siwu soup]

Ingredients: angelica 1 money, chuanxiong 2 money, cooked ground 2 money, Fried white peony 2 money, tuber fleeceflower 2 money, black dates 2 money, fresh chicken or ribs.

Description: after blanching chicken or ribs, add all herbs and simmer until tender and tender. This medicated diet has the effect of nourishing Yin and soft defecation, suitable for women with liver blood deficiency, anemia and weak old people. It should be noted that, in order to avoid oversupplementation, it is recommended that women do not take it 1 week before menstruation, and it is generally recommended to limit it to 1 time per week.