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Cough cough, famous Chinese medicine teaches you to treat cough prescription


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Cough cough, famous Chinese medicine teaches you to treat cough prescription

December 25, 2018 yangcheng evening news

Winter weather is dry, the most vulnerable to lung injury cough. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the operation of various organs of the human body is complementary and coordinated in function to maintain human health. If the lung changes, affect the whole body, will affect the coordination and operation of other organs in the body. Therefore, winter must nourish and protect the lungs.

To this end, the yangcheng evening news newspaper group combination of guangzhou baiyun mountain (35.590, 0.24, 0.67%) pan old pharmaceutical co., LTD., on December 21, in guangzhou liuhua lake park, at baiyun mountain old pan "keep healthy lungs, feeling warm winter to" public welfare activities and the yangcheng evening news "famous doctor speak" series of health seminars, nearly 300 people attended the famous TCM lecture, at the same time also free tasting the baiyun mountain old pan provide fritillary bulb loquat sugar, tortoise three creams and other products, cough classification and symptomatic treatment of the popular science knowledge.

Winter is dry cold airway is sensitive, raise lung to protect lung to have these move

Recent temperature fluctuations, resulting in many people cold, cough trouble. Liu yanhong, chief physician of traditional Chinese medicine of guangzhou first people's hospital, pointed out in the lecture that the air in winter is dry and cold, coupled with the high incidence of haze, respiratory tract is more sensitive, once there is foreign body inhalation or catch a cold, will cause cough.

So how do you prevent respiratory infections? Raise lung to protect lung effectively? Chief physician liu yanhong gave some practical Suggestions.

1. Keep warm and avoid wind chill.

Do not go out early morning exercise, had better be in after breakfast 9 ~ 10 o 'clock the sun comes out again after exercising, go out activity should pay attention to hand, head, facial especially keep warm, lest this place gets cold hind cause outside feeling wind chill.

2. Supplement water to moisten lungs.

The moisture that evaporates through the skin everyday in winter is in 600ml above, because this rehydrates cannot little. An adult should drink a minimum of 1500ml of water a day, and 2000ml (including soup) of water in winter to keep the lungs and respiratory tract moist.

3. Acupoint massage nourishes lungs.

Director liu also demonstrated the massage of yuji point, yingxiang point and tiantu point to help nourish the lungs and alleviate lung diseases.

(1) ichthyosphere cave. In the afternoon from 1:00 to 3:00 is when Yang qi is at its peak, massage acupoints with hands for two minutes to help nourish the lungs.

(2) yingxiang cave. Massage the yingxiang acupoints on both sides of the nose wing for 20 times and rub until it is hot. This method can relieve nasal congestion and rhinitis.

(3) tiantu cave. Tian tu acupoint is in the hollow place between left and right clavicle, massage with finger everyday, every time two minutes can alleviate pulmonary disease, wait like asthma, cough.

It is recommended to nourish the lungs and relieve cough in winter: white fungus nourishes the liver and moistens the lungs

Tremella has the effect of moistening the lungs, invigorating qi and blood, invigorating the brain and strengthening the heart. Liu yanhong says, clinical multi-purpose tremella treats empty consumptive disease, cough and asthma, phlegm in taking blood, empty hot thirsty wait for a symptom, also have very good effect to the chronic bronchitis of old people, pulmonary sex heart disease, chronic gastritis. But the sugar content of tremella argyi is higher, should not be eaten before going to bed, so as not to increase the blood viscosity. Tremella has the effect of clearing lung heat, do not eat external wind chill.

Cough has classification, ability is effective to symptomatic treatment

Although the cough medicine on the market on the package marked "cough and phlegm", "cough and asthma" and other effects. But from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, cough more than cold, heat, but also points to phlegm, dryness, surface, inside. See, cough classifies, use right medicine ability is effective. Bai yunshan pan gaoshou r & d center director zhou li also pointed out at the scene of the activity, different causes of cough, need to be dialectical treatment, otherwise the treatment effect can not be achieved, or even counterproductive, bungling the disease. Pan gaoshou of baiyun mountain summed up the simple and easy to understand "light inquiry", and preliminarily distinguished the type of cough by phlegm without phlegm and cough time.

Director zhou pointed out that common cough can be roughly divided into the following four categories:

【 wind-heat cough 】

Common symptom: phlegm sticky yellow, cough and uncomfortable, often accompanied by thirst pharyngeal pain, fever, nose flow yellow turbid nose and other symptoms.

Pathogenesis: the evil gas of exterior feeling wind heat, or eat too spicy fry, fat is greasy taste, bring about gastric bowel to accumulate heat, inside hot circulating classics uploads at lung, plus exterior feeling wind is evil, cause wind hot cough.

Treatment: clearing heat and phlegm to stop cough.

Drug recommendation: snake bile chuanbei liquid/cough chuanbei loquat dew + compound ganganling granules/banlangen granules/qingkailing +VC yinqiao tablet + amoxicillin

【 cold cough 】

Common symptom: phlegm is thin white, cough sound is heavy, often companion has noseful, flow clear nose, sneeze ceaseless wait for a symptom.

Cause of disease: sudden change in temperature, or the body's ability to resist insufficient, wind chill evil spirit invasion, cause wind chill cough.

Treatment: shufeng disperses cold, promotes lung and stops cough.

Drug recommendation: xingsu cough relieving oral liquid/pinellia syrup + cold qingregranule +VB1

【 wind-dry cough 】

Common symptom: dry cough does not have phlegm, or phlegm is not easy cough up, often accompany have pharynx urticant, labial nose is dry, defecate secret knot waits for a symptom.

Pathogenesis: due to the feeling of the wind dryness evil gas, or feel the wind heat, dry injury Yin, lung fluid is burning, causing the wind dryness cough.

Treatment: runzao cough.

Drug recommendation: mianyuan chuanbei loquat pa/snake bile chuanbei loquat pa pa pa + dextromethorphan hydrobromide + amoxicillin +VC

[lung Yin deficiency cough]

Common symptom: dry cough does not have phlegm, cough for a long time, often companion has mouth dry pharynx dryness, 5 upset heat, companion has short of breath lack of power, god is tired idle wait for a symptom. Additional, cough of Yin empty much disease potential is slow and course of disease is long, afternoon, dusk or nocturnal cough aggravate.

Pathogenesis: deficiency of lung Yin, or improper treatment of cough due to external sense, chronic cough injury Yin into lung Yin deficiency cough.

Treatment principle: nourishing Yin and nourishing Yin, clearing lungs and relieving cough.

Drug recommendation: yangyin qingfei mixture + panax quinquefolium tablets (granules)