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Cold hands and feet in winter? Traditional Chinese medicine teaches you 6 "warming up" methods


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Cold hands and feet in winter? Traditional Chinese medicine teaches you 6 "warming up" methods

December 26, 2016 yangcheng evening news

Interviewed expert/zhang jingzhi, deputy director of the department of traditional Chinese medicine, the second affiliated hospital of guangzhou medical university

Arrive in the winter, a lot of people are frozen shivering, especially the belle of a lot of bodily form emaciated, empty cold constitution, although wear again warm, hand and foot is icy cold from beginning to end. In fact, most people know that this is a lack of Yang reaction. Zhang jingzhi, deputy director of the department of traditional Chinese medicine of the second affiliated hospital of guangzhou medical university, believes that there are two main reasons for the cold hands and feet: one is lack of Yang qi, the other is qi stagnation. So how do you "heat up"?

Cold hands and feet have two kinds of conditions: Yang deficiency, qi stagnation

Zhang jingzhi introduces, alleged Yang qi is insufficient, a lot of people understand, be energy is insufficient, energy is insufficient, cannot satisfy the need of human body, so brothers and feet are not lukewarm. And qi stagnation is energy is enough, but the road is not smooth, energy transport does not go out, the formation of limbs heat relatively insufficient state, the term of traditional Chinese medicine is "Yang qi depression, can not reach the fourth end".

"Want to judge oneself belong to that kind of circumstance, had better look for doctor of traditional Chinese medicine to judge first." Zhang jingzhi said, if it is the deficiency of Yang qi, it should be treated with the method of temperature-tonifying. In traditional Chinese medicine, there are patent medicines for temperature-tonifying Yang qi, such as jinguishenqi pill and yougui pill. If it is the cause of qi stagnation, then the main method of regulating qi, such as the Chinese medicine has a prescription called four inverse powder, is the treatment of qi is not free formed limbs cold.

Try these six ways to "heat up" at home

The proposal of zhang jing, besides taking medicine recuperation body, also want to notice a few detail in the home, can let the body likewise "heat up" --

Develop good eating habits and eat enough calories. Diet is the source of qi and blood, if not on time to eat, or eat too little, partial food, such as dieting weight loss, will cause deficiency of qi and blood, Yang qi weak.

Exercise. Exercise is smooth qi and blood, Yang qi, genial function is normal.

Keep warm. Wear more clothes to avoid losing too much heat too quickly and to avoid consuming too much heat in too cold an environment.

4. The diet. You can eat more warm medicine or food, such as astragalus, angelica, euphorbia and other Chinese medicinal materials, taste good, and can warm Yang qi. Like mutton, chicken, ginger, garlic, green Onions, dates and other foods, also have a warming effect.

5. Soak the foot. Warm water before going to bed bubble the action that the foot also has very good move qi blood, still can add the traditional Chinese medicine such as laurel branch, mugwort leaf, wood sweet, chuanxiong, perhaps add a few white spirit directly also can. Soak feet should also pay attention to the water temperature should not exceed 45 degrees Celsius, time within half an hour.

6. Hot compress dantian: around dantian, it is the place where the Yang qi of human body is generated and generated. Use coarse salt bag, medicine bag hot compress or magic lamp to illuminate the dantian area, such as shenque, guan yuan, qi sea, these acupoints, have a better effect of warming Yang qi.