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Traditional Chinese medicine for postpartum constipation mild "tips"


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Traditional Chinese medicine for postpartum constipation mild "tips"

The 2018-12-26 xinhua

During pregnancy, few drugs are available to treat hemorrhoids. "A lot of hemorrhoids drugs on the market contain transdermal drugs like musk and borneol, which can be used properly after birth but not during pregnancy. Because musk and borneol and other aromatic components such as the runaway cause abortion or premature birth. Li E said.

She said, for anaemic pregnant mothers, if bleeding as the main disease hemorrhoids attack, even if the amount of bleeding is not large, it can not be left alone. "Because it's a chronic process of blood loss, blood that can't be stopped can cause anaemia in the mother, which can affect the child's growth and development." Li e says, below this kind of circumstance, can use the physical therapy such as ice compress, bake light and Chinese medicine sufficient bath, sit bath to wait for a way to undertake alleviating.

In addition to relieving the onset of hemorrhoids during pregnancy and childbirth, traditional Chinese medicine has its unique efficacy in the treatment of postpartum constipation. Li e said, women postpartum qi and blood deficiency, then choose to use some qi Yang blood, runchang tong milk of traditional Chinese medicine, for women postpartum recovery in all aspects are very beneficial. "Another method is umbilical therapy. The structure of navel is very special, hypodermic fat is very few, very thin, the action of medicaments can compare direct. We can use a special Chinese medicine qi runchang powder powder applied in the navel shenque point to promote defecation.

"Acupoint massage of traditional Chinese medicine is also a good way to relieve constipation. By stimulating zusanli, zhaohai, zhigou, quchi, tianshu and other acupoints on our body, we can effectively promote intestinal peristasis. In addition, li e still suggests, to just passed production, the parturient woman that pelvic floor becomes flabby character, often do a few health care to hold to be able to alleviate constipation symptom with recumbent position on the bed. "One is for the abdominal muscles, which can be a major exercise in abdominal breathing; Next can also do 'anal movement'. Li e expresses, the health care of anus holds congenial to pelvic floor muscle and the recovery of abdominal muscle, can enhance the coordination sex of defecate action, besides can let a woman recover the strength of defecate as soon as possible postpartum, also have certain alleviate effect to the constipation symptom of common people.

It is worth noting that postpartum constipation can affect maternal psychology and emotions to a certain extent and induce postpartum depression. At the same time postpartum depression can aggravate constipation symptoms, forming a vicious circle. "The gastrointestinal nerve reflex and neurotransmitter are very similar to the brain, which is called" intestinal brain "in medicine. Therefore, postpartum constipation of gastrointestinal problems on women's mood and psychological will have a more obvious impact. Taking probiotics, yogurt and active lactobacillus drinks can improve gastrointestinal function and relieve constipation, li said. "These regulatory microbiota can also increase happiness and prevent postpartum depression." At the same time, puerpera can also eat more black sesame, dates, walnuts, gelatin and other fat rich food to lubricate the intestinal tract. "Black fungus, tremella, pitaya and other foods also have a good laxative effect." Li E said.