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How to eat ginger


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How to eat ginger

Page 7, China journal of traditional Chinese medicine

You must have heard the saying: "eat radish in winter and ginger in summer, no doctor prescribes a prescription." Traditional Chinese medicine thinks, ginger is the product that helps Yang, have profit bravery, jianwei stops vomiting, bilge smelly, eliminate oedema action, can accelerate human body metabolism, fight inflammation analgesic, at the same time excited the function of human body many systems. But how many kinds of ginger are there, and how to eat it to get the most health benefits?

The kinds of ginger,


More processing into silk, pieces, end, juice into the dish, is stir-fry, boil, stew, steam, mix the indispensable seasoning. Ginger is the most widely used, life often said that ginger refers to ginger.

Tender ginger

It is the tender bud of ginger, for seasonal fresh vegetable, seasonal and strong, can make adjuvant material, pickled into bubble ginger or cut silk raw food, if child ginger flesh silk, child ginger explode duck, bubble child ginger makes with child ginger or bubble ginger namely.

Dried ginger

Ginger is the dry rhizome, the main temperature, can warm the cold, back to Yang tongmai, warm lung drink, the main treatment of spleen and stomach deficiency cold, diarrhea, Yang death, cold asthma cough and other symptoms. Dried ginger is often used in sichuan cooking for soup.

Ginger in vinegar

Ginger slices; Put the sliced ginger into a jar and pour in the rice vinegar or vinegar. Pour vinegar over ginger; Take a small piece of plastic wrap, fold into a small piece; Wrap the folded plastic wrap around the top of the jar; Close the lid and seal firmly. Put it in the fridge for a week and it will be ready to eat. Can eat 2~4 vinegar bubble ginger everyday, eat best in the morning, long-term edible effect is best.

Mouth method

If you often feel cold stomach, loss of appetite, you can often take fresh ginger tablets, stimulate gastric juice secretion to promote digestion. Let the smell of ginger spread through your mouth and out of your intestines and nostrils.

Scrape the skin off the ginger (the skin is cool), cut four or five pieces of ginger daily (cut as thin as thick paper, cut too thick will be very hot), in a bowl. Every morning, first drink a cup of hot water, and then use the hot water to sterilize the bowl with ginger slices, and then put the ginger slices in your mouth slowly chewing, containing 10 to 30 minutes, the ginger slices will be chewed, let the smell of ginger in the mouth, spread to the stomach and nose outside.

The dietary therapy effect of ginger

Ginger gan xin and warm, with cold sweating, warm stomach antiemetic, antiseptic analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect, but also can relax capillaries, enhance blood circulation, excited gastrointestinal, help digestion. Fresh ginger can be used for "wind cold evil heat, typhoid fever headache, nasal congestion, cough and anti-qi, anti-vomiting, expectorant qi". Dried ginger is suitable for "cold abdominal pain, cholera, distention, wind evil disinfection, gas formation between the skin, antisaliva blood". Folk in life practice and medical practice, gradually find out a lot of ginger treatment prescription, and has a good effect.

Wind cold bone pain, joint pain ginger, scallion each appropriate amount, mash fry hot, with cloth wrapped ironing application, several times a day. Put several slices of ginger in the affected area and moxibustion with moxa strips.

Heat stroke faint ginger, leeks, each appropriate amount, garlic 1 head, a total of mash juice irrigation.

Crush injury, waist sprain ginger, taro half mash into mud, add flour to mix, paste the affected area, change 2 times a day.

Carsick seasick ginger 1 piece sticks at navel, outside stick 1 piece of injury wet painkiller cream, have apparent alleviate action.

Appropriate amount of frostbite, frostbite ginger mash, soak in the appropriate amount of white wine, take the juice warm wipe the affected area, 3 times a day.

Cold cough, cold cough ginger 5 pieces, plus the right amount of walnut meat, brown sugar mash food.

Women asthenia cold abdominal pain ginger, brown sugar appropriate decoction water to take.

Cold cold ginger 5 grams, green onion 1 root, 15 grams of mung beans, 30 grams of radish, 4 jujubes, decocted water to take, 3 times a day, boiled water flushing, cold fever, thirst and the table does not understand the effective.

Need to pay attention to is that ginger placed for a long time will ferment rot, produce yellow camphor substances, can induce esophageal cancer, liver cancer, serious harm to human health, so rotten ginger can not be eaten.