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Oral ulcer is a fire treatment conditioning pay attention to


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Oral ulcer is a fire treatment conditioning pay attention to

Chinese journal of traditional Chinese medicine

Oral ulcer every "overheat" for the crowd is easy to perceive, clinical is quite common. How to recuperate effectively and nip in the bud? Jiang kaiping, chief physician of foshan hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, guangdong province, pointed out that oral ulcer is easy to repeatedly attack, lingering is not cured, if can be based on the Chinese medical theory of prescription medicine timely treatment or health conditioning in advance, can effectively control its occurrence and development. Oral ulcer repeatedly attack, internal organs function must be maladjusted.

The occurrence of oral ulcer, with tongue body, lip ulcerate ache is expression more. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the tongue is the seedling of the heart, spleen in the mouth, heart and kidney intersection, fire and water phase. "Have all inside must form all outside", oral cavity ulcer "get angry on fire" the reason produces, with heart, spleen, kidney more 3 zang dysfunction are concerned, specific can behave for heart fire hyperactivity, heart and spleen accumulates heat, empty fire on rush, heart and kidney do not hand in (water fire is not economic) 4 kinds.

Heart KangCheng Suffered such people often emotional, easy to move, and son and mother disease cause heart KangCheng (liver belongs to wood, heart fire and wood fire), the attack is characterized by the tip of the tongue, tongue ulcers, and accompanied by insomnia, bitter mouth urine yellow, red tongue yellow moss, pulse number, can choose guide red tonga taste (radix rehmanniae, also, bamboo, rhizoma coptidis, radix geutianae, licorice root tip). Usually when the self - regulation mood, the coordination of state of mind, intermittent bubble service licorice water.

Heat accumulation of heart and spleen is the further development of hyperpyrexia (heart belongs to fire, spleen belongs to earth, fire and soil, mother disease and child) or is usually caused by the appetite for Fried and hot goods. Attack when ulcer of tongue body, lip is much see, accompany upset, halitosis, constipation to wait for testimony, can choose clear hot discharge spleen disperses (gesso, huang lian, huang qin, gardenia, rush grass, raw ground, tuckaji), when ego adjusts mood normally, avoid food to fry the product of hot and dry, discontinuous with unripe licorice, ge hua bubble takes.

On empty fire blunt this kind of crowd often because work is overworked, think over, rest breaks off, morpheus is insufficient or use cold cool food and happen oral cavity ulcer. "Fatigue leads to gas consumption", "thought leads to spleen injury", cold and cold leads to Yang injury, acquired (spleen and stomach) deficiency, congenital (kidney) deficiency and spleen and kidney Yang deficiency. Spleen qi deficiency, Yin fire smoke or kidney Yang deficiency, xu Yang buoyancy and rushed on to the production of body fluid, recurrent oral ulcer, and with the hot cold, according to the priorities of spleen and kidney Yang deficiency during the attack and choose different in aconite decoction or kidney shot to add cinnamon removing spleen kidney, flash to return yuan, in addition to the standard hours, usually take rests, avoid cold food outside, still can choose into pharmacology of pill, fill in yiqi pills, one of guangxi attached rehmannia pill strengthen aftercare.

Heart kidney does not cross is heart fire hyperactivity cannot fall to warm kidney water to be caused by more, treat when traffic heart kidney, can choose to cross peaceful pill (huang lian, cinnamon), when necessary, join with fu zi li in decoction or kidney gas pill. Can use yellow coptis commonly, cinnamon (press 3:1 scale) bubble serves recuperate. In addition, when the upper heat and lower cold is not typical for the cold and hot mixed, can choose licorice xiexin soup treatment.

It should be noted that oral ulcers have different symptoms and physical conditions, but also under the guidance of professional doctors dialectical treatment.