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Eat more ginger or can damage the wisdom of it


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Eat more ginger or can damage the wisdom of it

The 2019-01-02 health

This is a joke about eating ginger. There were a lot of literati in song dynasty. And two of the eight members, wang anshi and su dongpo are not enemies, but political enemies, many anecdotes about them in history.

Once, wang anshi had dinner with liu gongfu, a historian. During the dinner, wang anshi put down his chopsticks and asked liu gongfu, "why did Confucius say that ginger should not be removed from meals?" Liu gong's father said, "shen nong's classic of materia medica says that if you eat too much ginger, you will become stupid. Confucius knew this. He was also an evangelist. He was preaching the way to make the people stupid. So, let the people eat more ginger, have become stupid good preaching ah!"

Liu gong father said this sentence is intended to ridicule wang anshi's reform is to fool the people, wang anshi did not return to taste, actually nodded yes. After carefully consider again, just understand come over, liu gong father this is teasing him. Later, liu gong's father had dinner with su dongpo. At dinner, he told su dongpo about this as a joke. Later, su dongpo was exiled, alone at home drinking ginger porridge, suddenly remembered this thing, it was on the table to record it, laughing at the political enemy wang anshi. Wang anshi is also a learned people, how can not know liu gong's father's intention? It's just that big people are generous and don't care.

In fact, liu gong father's words also have a correct side. Ginger is a necessary vegetable for every family, but also a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine, with the release of cold, warm stop vomiting, spleen and stomach and other functions, often eat good for the body, but can not eat more, eat more will have certain side effects.

Eat ginger also have to pay attention to seasonal, the ancients think autumn should not eat more ginger. Why is that? In the autumn and gold seasons, the main subsidence of qi converges while ginger radiates at warm temperature, which is contrary to the trend of natural qi and personal qi. Traditional Chinese medicine stresses to keep fit with nature, so a fall, should not eat more ginger. Ginger, on the other hand, warm, easy to dry and help fire. Autumn winter season, Yang gas inside collect, easy to give birth to internal heat, eat hot sex ginger again, with hot economy hot, can become the disease that gives birth to fervent, common name "get angry".

As the saying goes, eat radish in winter, summer ginger, from the doctor prescription. There is some truth in this proverb. Therefore, Confucius said "do not remove ginger food" should be followed by a sentence "not eat much. Li shizhen quoted sun simiao's words in compendium of materia medica (compendium of materia medica), "eat more ginger in August and September, suffer more eyes in spring, and lose life and strength". This shows that it is not appropriate to eat more ginger in autumn from the perspective of five elements. Visible, eat ginger also want cent season, have abstemious, cannot wantonly eat much.