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Don't let go of turnips and ginger! Traditional Chinese medicine recommends that the soup should be put away quickly


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Don't let go of turnips and ginger! Traditional Chinese medicine recommends that the soup should be put away quickly

The 2019-01-03 southern net

This wave of "super fierce" cold air gradually went away, the temperature began to rise slowly, but guangdong people still feel the power of low temperature. It's freezing. What should we eat? Zheng yanhua, deputy director of the department of traditional Chinese medicine, panyu hospital, the second affiliated hospital of guangzhou medical university, suggested that radish and ginger should be used as "must-have" products.

As an old saying goes, "if you eat turnip in winter and ginger in summer, you don't need a doctor to prescribe it. Zheng yanhua introduces, turnip and ginger, suit to eat the opportunity is different.

Chinese medicine believes, "stomach disaccord lies restlessness", dinner eats too late, too rich, too full, can affect sleep. Radish especially white radish sex is cool, taste xin gan, avirulent, enter lung, stomach classics, can eliminate stagnant, phlegm heat, next gas, wide in, treat food product bilge is full, vomiting turns sour to wait. And the winter is cold, people like to eat a variety of supplements or hit hot pot to keep warm, meat, seafood intake increased, radish as a winter seasonal vegetables, can solve greasy heat, digestion in addition to fullness, is really very practical.

"Green turnip, white turnip should action is close, with clear heat eliminate accumulate give priority to, because this turnip does not suit and tonic gas kind medicine (be like ginseng, dang shen to wait) with feed, but should be apart from only 2 hours or so in the middle also ok." Zheng yanhua introduces, carrot slants at gan bubu, slant at jianpi stomach, suit infantile feeding more. Additional, eat radish raw or radish cold dish, although be in summer, cannot eat much, the person that has gastric disease should avoid more.

Zheng yanhua introduces, think spleen and stomach classics gas is exuberant in the morning commonly, ginger flavour is pungent, sex is lukewarm, lukewarm in dispersing cold, have a little ginger in the morning, borrow the germinative action of ginger, can make appetite is opened greatly, energy is exuberant. Summer, because the weather is hot, we are more willing to eat some cool things such as ice cream, cold drinks, more willing to stay in the air conditioning room, easy to lead to empty cold in the stomach, at this time to eat ginger can warm the stomach spleen, wet and in, reduce gastrointestinal discomfort.

"As for the evening to eat some ginger, absolutely not equal to eat arsenic." Zheng yanhua said that although ginger is good, but it is not suitable for every meal, especially in the case of "stomach fire", to eat less ginger.

Although warm in the hope, but these days the cold or let a person shiver, have a look at the traditional Chinese medicine doctor recommended soup drink!

One, mutton and radish soup

Mutton nourishes qi and Yin, nourishes deficiency in the warm, appetizers and spleen, winter is the best season to eat mutton nourishing, white radish is a good soup ingredients. Add lycium barbarum red jujube seasoning, more delicious and healthy.

Ingredients: 1 jin of fresh mutton, 61 liang of white radish, 2 liang of green onion, several slices of ginger, 3 cloves of garlic, a small piece of cinnamon, a small handful of wolfberry, 4 or 5 pieces of red dates, 2 pieces of star anise, a little salt, 1 or 2 tablespoons of cooking wine.

Method: 1. Lamb, add cold water, fire boil, remove lamb, wash and drain reserve.

2. Wash and cut the white radish, cut the green onion into sections, slice the garlic and peel the ginger.

3. Saute scallions, ginger slices, garlic slices, star anise and cinnamon in oil pan, then add mutton, stir fry until the mutton is colored, remove the mutton, and set aside.

4. Take the stew pot, add mutton and spices, red dates, cooking wine before, add enough water, without food ingredients, bring to a boil, turn low heat to cover the pot, simmer for 60 minutes.

5. Open the lid, add radish, and simmer for another 30 minutes, until the radish is sticky and soft, add wolfberry, simmer for 10 minutes, and season with salt.

Two, eat radish soup

Ingredients: 10 grams dried hawthorn, 10 grams cloth residue leaves, white radish or green radish half to one, 1 jujube, ginger two pieces.

Method: peel radish, cut into small pieces, add water 1500 ml, boil hawthorn dry, cloth residue leaves, jujube, ginger slices, boil into a gentle boil for 20 minutes can be drunk.

Can eliminate food to accumulate, phlegm gas. Especially suitable for people who eat too much meat or have no appetite for bloating.