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What does Chinese medicine treat method of syndrome of hyperplasia of marrow have?


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What does Chinese medicine treat method of syndrome of hyperplasia of marrow have?

19-01-04 feihua news

Ascribe myelodysplastic syndrome of traditional Chinese medicine in the "virtual", "consumptive disease", "fact" and "internal heat", "fu temperature disease" category, such as MDS in addition to use non QingChuXing allogeneic stem cell transplantation, there is no specific treatment, for a long time how to improve the curative effect of MDS, prolong survival and improve quality of life has been a very difficult clinical problem. Let's find out how Chinese medicine treats myelodysplastic syndrome.

Chinese medicine treatment for myelodysplastic syndrome

Low risk for

To yiqi nourishing blood, spleen and kidney tonifying, filling lean pith.

The hope of low-risk treatment is to increase blood cell count, get rid of blood transfusion as soon as possible and improve the quality of life by stimulating normal residual hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells. A large number of clinical pharmacological studies have proved that traditional Chinese medicine for strengthening spleen and tonifying kidney can promote the proliferation, differentiation and self-replication of bone marrow stem cells and early cells, while traditional Chinese medicine can improve the imbalance between hematopoietic stimulating factors and hematopoietic inhibiting factors through overall syndrome differentiation, reduce the apoptosis of hematopoietic progenitor cells, and promote the proliferation and differentiation of early hematopoietic cells.

The risk for

To strengthen spleen and kidney, clear liver detoxification, heat and hemostasis.

In the middle and critical stage, patients often develop backward rapidly. Although the deficiency syndrome is severe, the single use of qi-nourishing and Yin nourishing is often not effective enough. Therefore, anti-cancer drugs of heat-clearing and detoxification should not be omitted. Haemorrhage is not apparent person, can add with some of huoxue huayu medicaments, clinical use small dosage does not have aggravate haemorrhage worry. For medicinal to detoxify heavy agent after this period the patients in pulp, and nourishing Yin drugs can increase the body's own immune function, the medicine for activating blood circulation has the role of immune function regulation, can improve immune function disorder, increase the sensitivity of the red blood cell precursors of erythropoietin, make the red blood cell proliferation differentiation, evidence-based medicine ji to the centralizer thrift, enhance the body's own anti-tumor activity, killing tumor cells, and improve anemia, make disease ease, into low latent period).

High-risk period

Clinical treatment to yiqiyangyin, fuzheng dispel evil mainly, and clear liver wood fire.

In this period, the patient's condition is relatively serious, with both deficiency and toxin, and the prognosis is poor. Traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine can be combined to treat the patient. While killing the malignant clone to restore the normal hematopoietic function, the patient can also regulate the zang-fu organs, support qi and blood, and remove the remaining pathogens, so as to consolidate the curative effect and obtain long-term remission.

There are so many traditional Chinese medicine treatments for myelodysplastic syndrome, and the treatment directions in the three stages of low, medium and high risk are different from each other. Due to the large individual differences of MDS patients, if patients choose traditional Chinese medicine, they must consult traditional Chinese medicine face to face, and make targeted treatment plans. Do not abuse prescription treatment.