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5 square answer 5 dizzy try Chinese medicine this 5 square


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5 square answer 5 dizzy try Chinese medicine this 5 square

January 4, 2019 People's Daily online - life times

Modern society life rhythm is fast, people spirit moment is in high tension condition, vertigo happens from time to time, light person dazzled, top-heavy light, heavy if sit car boat, inspect thing to rotate, affect the job and life.

The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine thinks, vertigo is not adjusted by feeling, food internal injury more, body empty long disease, lose blood fatigue be caused by, different symptom, pathogeny and constitution are recuperated each have lay particular stress on, might as well try the following 5 methods.

1. Deficiency of qi and blood should be beneficial to qi and blood. The traditional Chinese medicine has "qi deficiency then qingyang not to exhibit, blood deficiency then brain loses one's place to raise" the view, the meaning says the qi and blood deficiency can cause the dizziness, the performance is pale, the god tired force, the heart palpitation little sleep, the inappetence and so on, especially after tired, the movement symptom is more obvious. If the above situation, the choice of spleen soup to yiqi Yang blood, spleen and tranquilizer. This recipe works best with chicken and mutton stewed broth. It is recommended to take the stew once a week. If discomfort such as epigastric fullness occurs, please stop using the stew and consult a doctor.

2. If the qi sinks, it is advisable to lift the qi. Congenital spleen deficiency (gas subsidence), physical factors (such as phlegmy wet constitution), can cause the spleen function disorder, cause QingYang does not rise, and the head officer for the clear spirit, QingYang don't rise, shall not be in charge of qi and blood, brain, can appear giddy, darkened is not clear, difficult, depressed, stay such as performance, appropriate is used at this time to fill in yiqi decoction to recuperate, to clear the material. This recipe can boil congee or cooperate congee soup to take, jianpi and stomach effect are very good, drink 2~3 days can.

3. Live in phlegm and blood stasis, appropriate turbid huoxue. Phlegm and blood stasis mutual obstruction, the upper mengqing qiao, will appear headache, visual rotation, suffocation, vomiting saliva and other symptoms. Clinically, pinellia atractylodes rhizome decoction and peach-red siwu decoction have good effects on removing phlegm with dryness and dampness and activating collaterals, and people with the above symptoms can choose one to take under the guidance of doctors. It should be noted that the recipe of pinellia ternata needs to choose processed products of pinellia ternata - system, and Fried ginger, jujube boiling. This prescription is not suitable for long-term use. If the situation does not improve after taking 2 or 3 doses, the patient should seek medical advice in time or use gastrodia elata powder instead.

4. For those with an empty sea of marrow, it is advisable to fill the essence with kidney. Overworked or infirm can cause liver and kidney deficiency, kidney essence deficiency is not raw pulp, and the brain as the sea of pulp, pulp sea is insufficient, can cause dizziness JiuFa, characterized by decreased visual acuity, two eye dryness, insomnia, forgetfulness, upset, dry mouth, tinnitus, lumbar acid knee soft, such as pd, appropriate USES left to pill nourishing liver and kidney, nourishing Yin jing, his own stewing zi cream best tonic effect of liver and kidney.

5. For those with Yin deficiency and Yang hyperactivity, it is advisable to nourish Yin and subdue Yang. Mental tension anxiety, grief depression for a long time, can affect the liver pathogenesis, liver displaced to raise, liver Yang syndrone causes dizziness tinnitus, headache and expansion, irritability, limb tremor, the symptom such as insomnia, recommended the rhizoma gastrodiae uncaria drink improve discomfort, after being remission, can switch to ease pill with liuwei dihuang pill with liver resolve depression, Yin kidney.