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How much medicine there is in a fairy


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How much medicine there is in a fairy

8th edition, China traditional Chinese medicine news

Rhododendron bloom as water, partridge around the green mountains around the commitments. Pedestrians by the age of only return, thousands of miles, wrong leaning on each other, chagrin celestial beings should.

The song "celestial fairies" is the work of the tang dynasty huangfusong, write liu Chen, ruan zhao met a goddess in the tiantai mountain story, lamenting the fairy also have human emotions. The ci-card "celestial fairies" was originally a small song singing a fairy or a beautiful woman. In the fable day fairy is always illusory, Chinese traditional medicine day fairy has actual effect however.

The hyoscyamine henbane

Sunny, water wild crane fly a Hong flowers autumn Jiang Bi. Liu lang this day don't fairy, deng qi xi, tears, twelve evening peak green calendar. (tang dynasty HuangFuSong henbane) traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) henbane as solanaceae plant belladonna, small seed of henbane, taste bitter, bitter, wen, with great poison, for centering, stomach, liver, appropriate doses have spasmolysis epilepsy analgesic, sedative effect, for the pain, rheumatism rou GUI bi, wind decayed tooth pain, aches and pain, asthma, diarrhea more than rectocele, madness, the treatment of chronic ulcerated, carbuncle swollen chuangdu.

Celestial fairy formerly known as "prodigal", because a large number of clothing can be "crazy wave dissolute" named. "Shi ji · bian que cang gong lie biography" carry: "zi chuan king beauty is pregnant with child and not lacteal, meaning drinks with the medicine that make waves a pinch, drink with wine, spin lacteal. The "wanton medicine" in the article refers to the celestial being, which is recorded in this medical case that the cang gong chunyu yi used celestial being to cure the difficult childbirth of the king beauty. "Vagabondage" later evolved into "scopolamine", "shennong materia medica classic" contains: "scopolamine, bitter cold, pain in the main teeth, out of insects, bibi anxious. It makes people walk faster, eat more and walk faster. A cross tang." The alias "heng tang" and "xing tang" of the scopolamine also derive from its manic effect. It turns out that the ancient temple or temple in front of the road called "tang", is the most can reflect the traditional ritual place. In the temple this kind of sacred place ACTS recklessly, the image displays the manic condition which the overdose takes the celestial being to cause.

The name of celestial faery comes from its hallucinogenic effect. The description of "making people walk and seeing ghosts" in shen nong Ben cao jing is actually caused by its hallucinatory effect. Su song, a herbalist in the northern song dynasty, called the scopolamine "celestial faeries". Celestial celestial being still has analgesic effect, the ancients treats toothache with its, reason has the alias of toothache child, fume tooth child again. "On the nature of medicine" contains: "(celestial faery) main toothache, wormhole", according to "the standard of syndrome treatment" contains: "celestial faery burning smoke, with a bamboo tube against the tooth, induced smoke that wormhole no longer hair.

How many celestial medicines are there

"Pond ibis ring as the red tapestries draw. Horsewhip chat write fu, bamboo leaf temporary pour cup." Tianxianzi has the obvious effect of relieving cough and asthma. It can be used for the treatment of cough and asthma. Together with dried tangerine peel and Perilla, it can treat cough and asthma. Cui shi zuan yao fang (zuan yao fang) contains: "scopolamine, wood incense, smoked yellow and so on. For the end, with sheep fat coated paper, sprinkle on the end, roll as a tube, smoke smoke smoke ", can be treated for a long time to sip. Compendium of materia medica contains: "cough for a long time (sputum has pus and blood). Use the money of the hyoscyamine, first cook and then fry, grind fine, add the amount of ghee such as chicken to harvest oyster, seven jujube, fry until the oil is done. Take three dates a day. Another prescription: take three doses of scopolamine and swallow them five or six times a day.

"The morning wind moves the spring grass and the sunshine falls on the hengtang. Heavy stage dangzi concubine, dusk alone injury." Celestial immortals have the effect of calming the nerves and calming the nerves, and are often used in cases of mania and convulsion. It can be used in combination with cow-bezoar, cassia heart and carp gallbladder to treat epilepsy. Celestial celestial being is mixed with gastrodia elata, rhubarb, angelica and magnolia officinalis.

"Don't sing hengtang heartbroken sentence, can't inclined alone building." Tianxianzi has obvious spasmolytic and analgesic effects and can be used for the treatment of various pain syndromes. Tianxianzi, together with yuanhu and licorice, can treat gastrointestinal spasmodic pain, such as tianyuan soup contained in xinjiang Chinese herbal medicine. Together with aconitum, wulingzhi and licorice, it can treat rheumatism and arthralgia, such as "shengjizong lu" prescription for treating wind-induced arthralgia; It can be combined with radix aconiti, fructus cnidii, oyster and dried ginger to treat numbness and pain of muscles and bones. Compatible with asarum and root, can treat toothache, such as "shanxi Chinese herbal medicine" for toothache prescription; With the red rose, pull Dan Dan, borneol, compatibility of external treatment, can cure sore carbuncle furunculosis swelling pain, such as the chosen section outline day elixir.

"Individual guest goes out inclined month is in, two eyebrow is melancholy ask horizontal pond." - tang dynasty han year-end "hengtang") day fairy with convergence, stop diarrhea, solid effect of off. Day fairy and jujube compatibility, can treat water diarrhea for a long time, such as "sheng hui fang" water prescription; In combination with dried ginger, orange peel and terminalia terminalia, it can treat Yin, cold, inner sheng and cave leakage, such as "st. Together with rhubarb, can treat red dysentery, abdominal pain after heavy, such as "pu ji fang" wonderful powder; It can be used with dried ginger and dog skull to treat chronic dysentery and dysentery. In combination with rhizoma coptidis, woody incense and nutmeg, it can treat infantile malnutrition, dysentery and luteal thinness. Combined with acorns and datura, it can treat rectocele, such as "st.

Good and evil in a moment

"Dew white lotus clothes shallow, wind pure hui belt sweet. The year before last this beautiful scene, LAN ao drunk hengtang. (tang dynasty du mu "qiuxi youhuai") day fairy has a big poison, "shennong herbs" included it in the herbal medicine. Li shizhen said, "the hyoscyms, the yunshi, the fangkui and the red shanglu can all make people crazy and confused. In ancient times, people did not discover their righteousness. The legendary "Mongolian sweat medicine" on rivers and lakes, mostly made of celestial faeries, qing dynasty cheng muheng in "water margin notes" said: "the Mongolian sweat medicine, the hyoscyamine also, has the big poison, the food is crazy. According to historical records, an lushan in the tang dynasty once invited the khitan leaders to drink the celestial fairies in the wine, and then put them down and killed them. In the Ming dynasty, wu ruxiang, a demon monk, used celestial fairies as the main material to make "demon medicine", which resulted in the murder case. Therefore, the celestial being should be cautious in internal administration, and strictly pay attention to the dose and course of treatment. The processing methods of celestial faery were recorded in classics such as "on the theory of lei gong pao zhi" and "the secret of outer Taiwan", which could reduce the toxicity of celestial faery. As for the poisoning caused by celestial immortals, the ancients also explored the method of detoxification, "Japanese flower son herbs" contained: "scopolamine poisonous, licorice, cohosh, rhinoceros horn and can solve it.

Tianxianzi contains tianxianzi amine (scopolamine), scopolamine, atropine and other alkaloids, which should not be taken in excess or continuously. The symptoms after poisoning are dry mouth, dysphagia, dry and flushed skin and mucous membrane, tachycardia, dilated pupils, and dysuria. In severe cases, it may lead to mania, ataxia, slow reaction, lethargy and other depressive symptoms, and finally death due to respiratory failure. Discover day fairy is poisoned, should send a hospital to undertake professional rescue in time.

The leaves and roots of scopolamine can also be used as medicine. The leaf is bitter in taste, cold in nature and has great toxicity. It belongs to the lung, liver and stomach meridians and has the effects of analgesia and spasmolysis. It is used for the treatment of epigastric pain, toothache, cough and asthma. The root of scopolamine is bitter, bitter, cold and poisonous. It has the effects of cutting off malaria, attacking poison and killing insects. It is used for the treatment of malaria and scabies.

"Dongkou spring hongfei su, the fairy with a gloomy eyebrow dark green. Ruan lang did not return, tender burning gold, slant-seal jade, water peach blossoms empty intermittent. The celestial fairies in the poem are like dreams or unreal, with the same feelings and sorrows as ordinary people. The celestial celestial being in medicine is real, apply proper, can bring heal to the patient, have a bit carelessly, also bring probably to the patient anguish.