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The prevention and control of influenza should give full play to the characteristics and advantages of traditional Chinese medicine


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Notice on the prevention and control of traditional Chinese medicine for influenza was issued

The prevention and control of influenza should give full play to the characteristics and advantages of traditional Chinese medicine

19-01-16 China traditional Chinese medicine news, 1st edition

On January 15, the office of the state administration of traditional Chinese medicine issued a notice on the prevention and control of influenza with traditional Chinese medicine, calling for the prevention and control of influenza with traditional Chinese medicine to give full play to the characteristics and advantages of traditional Chinese medicine in view of the high incidence of influenza in the current season.

Notice points out, want to take seriously highly, strengthen an organization to lead. Competent departments of traditional Chinese medicine at all levels should have a deep understanding of the importance and urgency of doing a good job in the prevention and control of influenza with traditional Chinese medicine, and guide medical institutions of traditional Chinese medicine to do a good job in medical treatment. It is necessary to take the initiative to coordinate with local health administrative departments and establish a unified leadership, command, close cooperation and coordinated operation mechanism of TCM and western medicine.

Notice requirements, to strengthen training, technical preparation. According to the "flu diagnosis and treatment plan (revised version in 2018)", the training of TCM medical staff should be strengthened. Chinese medicine experts should be actively organized to join the teams of influenza prevention and control experts set up by health authorities at all levels, and if possible, teams of Chinese medicine experts on influenza prevention and control in the region. On this basis, according to the characteristics of the epidemic situation, traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment plan for influenza in this region can be formulated.

According to the notice, it is necessary to actively respond and do a good job in clinical treatment. Medical institutions of traditional Chinese medicine at all levels should do a good job in preparing for the training of clinical treatment personnel and material reserve for influenza. Departments such as the respiratory department and paediatrics department should formulate epidemic response plans and actively use TCM technology and methods to carry out clinical treatment. For patients with mild diseases, TCM treatment should be actively carried out to prevent the aggravation of the disease. For severe and critically ill patients, traditional Chinese medicine should be early intervention, and give full play to the advantages of Chinese and western medicine collaborative treatment.

The circular stressed the need to widely publicize the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) prevention of influenza. It is necessary to vigorously carry out the popularization and publicity of influenza prevention, and organize TCM medical institutions and TCM experts at all levels to spread the knowledge of influenza prevention and routine prevention measures of TCM to the society through government websites, official WeChat, newspapers and other platforms. In the work of popular science, the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine should be highlighted, combined with the actual situation of the region, to enhance the pertinence of popular science, so that the people will benefit.