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Children with cold and fever in winter have good curative effect


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Children with cold and fever in winter have good curative effect

19-01-24 first line of health

Recently, the weather is getting colder and more children with colds and fevers. Parents worry, every day, season, but still can not guard against, the child is still easy to catch a cold, this is why? Yang jinghua, chief pediatrician of department of pediatrics of guangdong hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, reminds us that children with colds should not take medicines indiscriminately.

Winter children cold four characteristics you understand?

At this time is the season of high incidence of colds, parents in starting to prevent colds, the first to understand the characteristics of children's winter cold. Dr. Yang jinghua summarized the following four characteristics based on his years of clinical experience.

Dryness and pathogenic cold: "the climate is dry, the child is easy to get dryness and pathogenic cold, this is different from other seasons." Doctor Yang jinghua reminds. In addition to nasal congestion, runny nose, cough and other common cold symptoms, children will have dry red lips, dry mouth and dry nose and other partial dry performance.

Wind cold cold: cold weather, especially when the temperature suddenly drops, easy to lead to the evil of cold wounding, wind cold cold often occurs in the autumn and winter season.

Seasonal cold: according to traditional Chinese medicine, it is caused by pathogenic factors of seasonal epidemic, which corresponds to influenza in western medicine and occurs frequently in winter and spring. This kind of cold starts suddenly, have stronger infectivity, the child can appear high fever, horrible cold, have a headache, muscle ache wait for a symptom. "Weak children are more likely to develop bronchitis or pneumonia, cough, shortness of breath, breathing difficulties and other serious manifestations." "Dr. Yang jinghua said.

Hold disease concurrently: children lung often empty, splenic often inadequacy, liver often has yu, all sorts of hold disease concurrently easily after the cold, clip phlegm, clip sluggish, clip jing. "Pinch phlegm" performance is: children phlegm, cough is more obvious; Entrapment is the appearance of a bad appetite, bad breath, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. Panic attacks often occur in children with high fevers and colds, especially in the night, when one is crowing, and when one is alarmed.

Cold and hot flutter upset? Shaoyang syndrome cold should use this medicine

Cold is a kind of self-limited disease, some children with better physical health can heal themselves. But want the child to catch a cold to be good quickly, must accomplish first "rest more, drink water more, food is insipid", reoccupy reasonable medication helps alleviate symptom.

Different types of colds have different symptoms. For example wind hot cold, with fever, pharynx is red, pharynx is painful, nosebleed turbid DDT is given priority to. "In addition, parents can see their child's red lips, face, tongue, irritability, restless at night." Yang jinghua added.

Wind cold cold is in cold inchoate more, infantile disease is transmitted change quickly, can change quickly heat, turn into wind hot cold, or change into the direction that heats in.

Doctor Yang jinghua reminds parents, there is a cold clinical symptoms will be slightly worse. "Fever and aversion to cold, cold and heat exchange, one moment afraid of cold, one moment afraid of heat, mental fatigue, upset happy vomiting, dizziness, do not want to eat. We call it shaoyang syndrome cold.

Children with cold and fever in winter have good curative effect

So how do you treat a cold?

As we all know, most colds are caused by viral infections. In addition to the flu virus, western medicine does not have effective drugs for the common cold virus, so the treatment is based on symptomatic treatment, such as drinking more water, anti-allergy drugs to reduce nasal mucus, nasal mucosa constrictor to relieve nasal congestion, antifebrile analgesics to relieve headache, fever and so on. "But the traditional Chinese medicine dialectical treatment has the superiority, the effect is quick, the curative effect is good, the security also has the very good safeguard."

Taking the medicine of shaoyang cold as an example, doctor Yang jinghua mentioned: "xiaochaihu granule is a Chinese patent medicine to reconcile shaoyang, which has the function of clearing away heat, liver and stomach. The prescription of this medicine comes from the classic prescription of treatise on febrile diseases -- xiaochaihu soup, which has been used for thousands of years and is now made into a traditional Chinese medicine. She said, in the above "shaoyang syndrome" cold, can consider the use of small chaihu granules to treat children's colds.

"Wind chill, wind heat and shaoyang cold are common syndromes, which can be seen all year round. As long as the syndrome differentiation is accurate, proprietary Chinese medicine can be effective, but must choose children appropriate proprietary Chinese medicine, not abuse, or not dialectical, regardless of cold and heat deficiency and solid, so not only affect the efficacy, but also may appear some adverse reactions. "Dr. Yang jinghua said.

Clothing, food, shelter, travel and protection against catching a cold

Autumn winter season, evil spirit encroaches on human body easily. To keep children from catching a cold, parents need to take proper care of their children's daily necessities and keep the cold out of their children's bodies.

Children with cold and fever in winter have good curative effect

Clothes: increase or decrease clothes appropriately. Wear loose clothes before exercise.

S: keep the air in the room well ventilated.

Ok: when the weather is good, take the children for outdoor sports and keep regular hours.

Food: especially to protect the children's gastrointestinal function, do not let the children eat too full. If the symptoms of stagnation, symptoms are relatively light, you can use samsung soup (cereal buds, malt, hawthorn) for food therapy, and stomach elimination stagnation; If the symptoms are more serious, the child has a stomachache, defecation is not free, can use baoji oral solution to ease the discomfort.


Prevent dryness and pathogenic cold: Yin deficiency of the body has internal heat (often relatively thin physique, easy to get angry, eat a little warm things are easy to sore throat, red lips dry), can cook tremella snow pear water, apple lean soup;

Wind hot cold: the child has a hot feeling, sore throat, yellow nose, can pot chrysanthemum tea thin wind heat;

Cold and wind: boiled scallion water, scallion tangerine soup with black bean sauce: take children aged 2 to 5 years as an example, 10 grams of black bean sauce, 10 grams of tangerine sauce, 5 small strips of green onion.

External treatment: if the child has the feeling of wind chill, can use the four methods of external massage, shoulder well, rubbing lung yu, rubbing a nest of wind, rubbing labor palace, lung meridian. Or with warm water or ginger, artemisia argyi bubble feet.

The child resistance is weaker, may catch a cold all the year round, but each season, each type of prevention and symptomatic medication are different. Parents should pay attention to distinguish the symptoms, in order to "cut to the root", for the child's body "reduce the burden", with a cold to say "goodbye".