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Nervous easy to cause loss of appetite recommend 3 appetizer recipes


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Nervous easy to cause loss of appetite recommend 3 appetizer recipes

Family doctor online

Sometimes a lack of food is not a minor problem. It can be a sign of illness. If you find yourself or your family members have inappetence, you can use food with fragrance, spiciness and bitterness to stimulate and increase the secretion of gastric juice and increase appetite. Traditional Chinese medicine thinks inappetence is caused by a lot of reasons, specific reason still should be analysed according to your inappetence phenomenon.

What causes your loss of appetite

Fatigue or tension. General such as office workers due to fatigue or mental tension, may lead to temporary loss of appetite, which is a relatively minor phenomenon.

2. Overeating, overdrinking, insufficient amount of exercise and chronic constipation are also factors causing loss of appetite, but we should pay attention to some potential risks, such as unexcused loss of appetite, continuous loss of appetite and so on.

3, mental factors: want to maintain a slim figure, do not want to eat, weight and thus greatly reduced, so refuse to eat, as time goes by will produce anorexia phenomenon, serious anorexia will also appear when the symptoms.

4, pregnancy: women in the early stages of pregnancy, or due to the side effects of oral contraceptives, may also cause loss of appetite or vomiting.

5, disease factors: loss of appetite is sick? Loss of appetite is often directly associated with gastrointestinal problems, such as chronic gastritis, gastric torpor, or stomach cancer. The initial symptoms of liver disease can also trigger long-term loss of appetite. In fact, loss of appetite due to liver disease is often extreme, and in severe cases there is no appetite at all. Because liver is silent organ, this kind of reason does not know inappetence to want to be careful, if inappetence of long time, suggest to do next examination to the hospital at this moment.

The food that treats inappetence cures square

Bamboo shoots amaranth ribs soup

Ingredients: bamboo shoots 50 grams, yellow fish 250 grams, amaranth 150 grams

Seasoning: ginger, cooking wine, ham, water starch, pepper, salt, stock


1. Spring bamboo shoots, diced, yellow croaker, amaranth;

2, stock into the pot, add salt, cooking wine, pepper, bamboo shoots, diced fish, ginger, fire, remove the floating foam, and then burn for a minute, sprinkle water starch thickening;

3, a little sticky soup when the amaranth into the amaranth, such as amaranth broken health and then sprinkle in the ham can be.

Efficacy: according to traditional Chinese medicine, yellow croaker has the effect of invigorating spleen and appetizing appetite, which can treat anorexia and poor peristalsis of stomach and intestines. People can often eat it, and can also achieve the effect of nourishing by eating it regularly.

Carrot cake

250 grams of white radish, 250 grams of flour, 100 grams of lean pork, ginger, onion, salt, soy oil amount. With white radish, pork lean meat, seasoning do stuffing and flour do cake, baked eat.

Yam soup pill

Yam 50 grams, 90 grams of sugar, glutinous rice flour 500 grams, pepper amount. Beat Chinese yam powder, add sugar, pepper into the stuffing, glutinous rice into soup ball powder, package stuffing boiled eat.