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What are the effects of dandelion? Old doctor of traditional Chinese medicine to answer for you


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What are the effects of dandelion? Old doctor of traditional Chinese medicine to answer for you

19-01-30 qingyuan media

Dandelion can be seen everywhere along the roadside in the countryside, which is called "mother-in-law ding". This kind of weed can be seen everywhere, and it is also a kind of medicinal plant. The dry and root-rooted whole plant of composite dandelion is a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine to clear heat and detoxify. Generally in the annual spring and summer flowers when the collection, wash drying or fresh medicine can be.

Dandelion taste bitter, sweet and cold, into the liver, stomach, with qingrejiedu, detumescence, diuretic tonglin effect. In yilin zuanyao compiled by wang fu of the qing dynasty, this evaluation for dandelion is mainly reflected in this: "dandelion can melt toxic heat, relieve toxic food, relieve swollen nucleus, and cure toxic breast abscess, both of which can relieve fire and relieve soil. Milk, to shape with also. Fix teeth, go to Yang Ming hot also."

Dandelion's oldest medicine, visible in the tang dynasty, mainly used for "milk carbuncle" at that time, namely milk discharge breakdown caused by acute inflammation, in use today, dandelion is still the treatment of breast carbuncle specific medicine, dandelion treat breast carbuncle, can say is how to use, can be, whether it is a grass dao juice, or avoiding decoction, or pound external treatment, to reduce the swelling pain, have good curative effect, in addition to use dandelion, for acute mastitis, can also be used with compatibility of honeysuckle, forsythia, etc.

In addition to treating breast carbuncle, dandelion also has important application in clearing heat and detoxifying. For example, in the treatment of acute fever, such as upper respiratory tract infection and acute hepatitis, dandelion can be used alone, and can also be used in combination with bluish leaves, isatidis and honeysuckle. Furunculosis and treatment (i.e., acute suppurative inflammation of the skin), dandelion is often Yu Zihua DeDing, chrysanthemum, honeysuckle, etc with, in the qing dynasty "YiZong Jin Jian" mixed disinfection of drinking is culled to cure furunculosis.

Dandelion, white tiger soup victory. Dandelion in purging gastric fire, also has a unique function. Dandelion can clear purgative stomach fire, and often take won't affect stomach gas, to stomach fire exuberant and bring about chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer to wait, with fresh dandelion boil water to drink, or will boil good dandelion to eat, can have very good curative effect. And a few apply dandelion, wait for Chinese traditional medicine to use jointly with orange peel, arenaceous seed, can have the effect of invigorating spleen and stomach, to dyspepsia, epigastric bilge painful, chronic gastritis wait for a disease.

Dandelion besides enter the stomach, still enter liver, accordingly, the eye red that is caused by phlogistic go up to liver is swollen painful, if acute conjunctivitis, palpebral edge phlogistic wait for disease, usable dandelion decoction fumigation is washed, have very good effect. There is a "dandelion soup" in "medical heart", which is to decoction dandelion thick internal medicine, the treatment of eye diseases, pterygium eye, red veins eye, eye pain with brain, shame and tears, all the false fire real hot evidence.

Besides aforesaid effect, dandelion still has the effect of diuretic tong Lin, have very good curative effect to urinal infection, use dandelion to taste additionally fresh mash add egg white to mix even, external apply cure still can treat mumps. Although dandelion is good, it should be mainly applied to the above problems caused by real fervent toxicity. Symptomatic treatment should be carried out for the symptoms. For those without real fervent toxicity, if a large number of dandelion is used, it may lead to diarrhea.