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Yangchun April food cedrela sinensis


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Yangchun April food cedrela sinensis





- duyu TCM hospital of Beijing



     XiangChunShu long solo in April, a tender green branches bud, purple emitting continuous scent. Cedrela sinensis is not only the vegetables, and a certain medicinal value.


    Beijing LiZhaoFu, deputy director of the TCM hospital pharmacists say: "of traditional Chinese medicine thinks, cedrela sinensis bitterness, sexual cold, has qingrejiedu, convergence hemostatic, check the effect such as diarrhoea shigella, used for treatment swollen poison, ulcers, uterine phlogistic, spermatorrhea and other diseases. And insecticidal, sterilization effect." Travel, if meet the soil disaffected, the body does not timely, usable dry cedrela sinensis instead of tea bubble water to drink, can remove. Regular consumption cedrela sinensis, can the wet, heat, dampness carambola dryness, treatment by implication, urine short red unsmooth pain, loss of appetite, red eyes swollen painful disease.


     Cedrela sinensis, the rich nutrition per 100 grams contain protein 6 ~ 10 grams, the fat and carbohydrate, phosphorus and vitamin B1 content in leaf vegetables is among the best, calcium and vitamin C content is also very high, still contain rich carotene, iron, phosphorus, vitamin B2 and so on many kinds of components.


    LiZhaoFu special clew, cedrela sinensis is, those shoulds not be heavy consumption. Cedrela sinensis and ChouChun is very similar in appearance, distinguish GuMu families ChouChun is ChouChun, the leaves, leaf margin sparsely big teeth, rub the after a bad smell smell. Cedrela sinensis leaves edge toothless, the round glandular dots after, knead aroma.




    Now a few introduce dietotherapy fong:


    Cedrela sinensis porridge applies to hemorrhoids swelling and pain, dysentery, enteritis, cervicitis.


    Japonica 100 grams, water, bring to a boil slow boil 10 ml into, to porridge will again will cedrela sinensis leaves buds 100 grams, wash, cut up, and salt, and continue to cook until brought together in a dish cooked porridge monosodium glutamate, drench sesame oil. Points 2 times taken on an empty stomach.




    Cedrela sinensis tofu suitable for gastrointestinal and humid and urinate short red red eyes, inappetence, swelling pain.


    15 grams bean curd with cold water wash, cut into small pieces and put in the bowl. Sweet ChunYa 50 grams, wash, put away the water stamped with warm immersion 5 minutes, remove mincing, put in the water bean curd, join sesame oil, soy sauce, salt, gourmet powder and mix well.




    Cedrela sinensis mix prawns suitable for long diarrhea, long dysentery.


    Cooked chicken meat meat 200 grams tore into filaments, put on a plate. Sweet ChunYa 100 grams, wash, release water affixed to the warm immersion 5 minutes. Drain and cut up, put the chicken shreds, add soy sauce, sesame oil, vinegar, salt and MSG, stirring, pickled well flavoured.




     Double d mix cedrela sinensis suitable for high blood pressure.


     Sweet ChunYa 100 grams, put away the water wash stamped with warm immersion 5 minutes, remove and chop. Spicy bean curd doing 100 grams, cut grains. Preserved egg shell, wash with slices, put in the dish bowl, add sesame oil, vinegar, salt and MSG, stirring, pickled well flavoured.