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MianFeiRi 300 people experience the acupuncture and massage


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"MianFeiRi" 300 people experience the


acupuncture and massage



Southern metropolis daily haikou June 24 dispatch (reporter, Chen xin) appropriate technology of traditional Chinese medicine is the state administration of traditional Chinese medicine promotion key project. Traditional Chinese medicine into full play in the appropriate technology medical institution common disease, frequently-occurring disease prevention and control the advantage and function, June 24, the traditional medicine hospital gold plate institute of haikou city launched acupuncture and massage free medical examinations "day" popular by citizens. One day there are 300 people experience the traditional Chinese medicine treatment of common disease and frequently occurring appropriate technology, not a very rewarding they said.

This morning, the reporter in haikou hospital gold plate institute of traditional Chinese medicine, 5 / f see many lovers are waiting in line to experience. The families of acupuncture and massage of the old experts yizhen sitting on the judgment seat. Including acupuncture, massage and cupping therapy have all things characteristics.

"I flank pain, not some time today of traditional Chinese medicine, while appropriate technology into the community activity came to experience." Live in haikou gold plate of Mr. Li said he 32, 2 weeks ago began to feel the waist pain, after shooting the check is in the diagnosis is lumbar muscle strain. Because in traditional Chinese medicine, western medicine treatment single treatment technique not only rich variety, and is safe and effective, especially to try today. The doctor gave him the treatment ended, Mr. Li feel waist pain easing many, no longer strained, walk also agile.

As with Mr. Lee, haikou ms. Chen postpartum obesity, though movement, and also to eat less, but do not reduce weight is down, I heard that TCM acupuncture can adjust the endocrine, the body to promote the fat metabolism, consumption in the human body hoard of fat, and remove in time to adjust the rubbish inside body, the body, so the role of the endocrine consultation and try to come.......

Haikou hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture and massage controller tells a reporter, the so-called "appropriate technology", i.e., traditional Chinese medicine for common disease, frequently-occurring disease, take the long-term clinical practice proved has curative effect, simple operation, low cost, and all kinds of Chinese medicine therapy popularized. Free diagnosis and treatment projects is the main experience moxibustion, massage, acupuncture, traction, scraping, etc, the main treatment is the treatment of cervical spondylosis, lumbar disease, have a headache, rheumatoid arthritis, periarthritis of shoulder, dysmenorrhea, headache and digestive system, nervous system and common disease, frequently-occurring disease.

It is reported, the traditional Chinese medicine hospital launched the haikou city "appropriate technology" yizhen activities in response, "the state administration of traditional Chinese medicine recently issued by 2011" Chinese medicine in China rural travel into the community into family "activities project. The aim is to make the people the further understanding of the culture of TCM science knowledge, let the development of traditional Chinese medicine the benefits of thousands of families.