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General health ministry of health issued the clinical nursing practice guidelines


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General health ministry of health issued


the clinical nursing practice guidelines


(2011 edition) "further standardize clinical nursing behavior

Health ministry of China

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In China, the medical and health services in the new period, and medical health system reform deepening, of all types and at all levels in medical hospital implementation task in the process, adhere to the "patient-centered", the reform of clinical nursing mode, implement responsibility system overall care, care service connotation and extension of the profound changes. In the hospital nursing development situation, ministry of health and the general health ministry organized compile "clinical nursing practice guidelines (2011 edition)", in order to further standardize clinical nursing behavior, and ensuring patients security, improve the service quality and promote our country's clinical nursing more close to the patient, close to the clinical, close to the society.

This year is "1025" the beginning of nursing development by the government and the whole social attention and support. High quality nursing service as a public hospital reform is an important measure of all types and at all levels to greatly promote the hospital. High quality nursing service should focus on the reform nursing mode, implement responsibility system overall care, advocate the humanized service. In the health administrative departments at all levels and the hospital's efforts, clinical nursing gradually from the simple to complete the function of doctor's advice for the center for change in the nursing, pays attention to humane care as the core of the holistic nursing care. The nurse not only responsibility to assist the doctor completed the treatment of patients sex work, and pay more attention to use professional technical knowledge, comprehensive shoulder to the patient's professional care, the observation, the psychological health education and rehabilitation support and guidance, and other care tasks, to provide a safe, for patients with high quality nursing service. With the deepening of the work and the transfer of the nursing mode, the concept of holistic nursing care, nursing practice deepens the connotation, the urgent need to enrich a reflect "to the patient as the center", to guide and regulate the practicability of clinical nursing practice nursing guide.

To further guidance nursing practice, standard care behavior, improve the quality of clinical nursing and technology level, ministry of health and the general health ministry organized compile "clinical nursing practice guidelines (2011 edition)", the main purpose is to guide the nursing workers in clinical practice activities, master the technical key points of care, more standardized, scientific practice activities, improve nursing care and technical level and ensuring patients security. The clinical nursing practice guidelines (2011 edition) "is the most important regulatory documents for the first time, expounds briefly the clinical nursing technology, practical skills and knowledge of the key content and attention, not only made clear the technical key points of clinical nursing, and pay more attention to the professional evaluation, patients with illness observation, care and health guidance. This guide is divided into chapter 17, respectively is clinical nursing work the clean and comfortable management; Nutrition and discharge care; Physical activity management; Common symptom nursing; The skin, wounds, creates mouth care; Airway nursing; Drainage nursing; Perioperative care; Common monitoring technology and body assessment; First aid technology; Commonly used specimen collection; Give medicine therapy and nursing; Chemical therapy, biological treatment and radiotherapy in nursing; Pregnant period nursing; Newborn babies and baby care; Blood purification of specialized nursing operation; Psychological care, etc, and the current hospital clinical nursing work in common use in the nearly 200 items based technology, specialized nursing care one technology from four aspects, one is a standard evaluation and observation points. The nurse, in care of patients before operation, comprehensive health assessment and analysis, and make a professional judgment; 2 it is key operation. The nurse according to the evaluation results, the correct implementation of care and executive orders measures; Three points are to guide. The nurse in the operating process, to the patient and family members or caregivers for guidance or inform; Four is the matters needing attention. The nurse in nursing practice should be paid attention to in the process of important issues or link.




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