Principles of acupuncture and high-tech instruments
Newly developed "KQ-2000ieam Meridian therapy station" is "a process of making bodiless lacquerware" to the traditional mechanism of acupuncture, "change of bone" in modern high-tech tools and methodologies, acupuncture and moxibustion treatment of fundamental theory of mechanism-the Meridian, and combination therapy with new achievements and progress in terms of research and development, successful computer software to acupuncture and moxibustion apparatus to implement today's most advanced integration. Her diagnosis and treatment in one set of acupuncture and moxibustion, pass the test the body 12 original points, we know the health status of the human body including sub-health; and be able to use the computer to print on the spot, "stating," (through the database handle), the principle from the spiritual armature. nine 12 original "five organs disease, should be out of the 12 original. 12 original. Knowing that they are original, gambling, and known victims of five organs. "Because the original point is the viscera original parts of gas and, after a disease when viscera, viscera which occurs on the primary points of positive responses, such as the color of change, tenderness, subcutaneous nodules, skin uplift, depression, and skin resistance and so on.
Combined with modern biology and medicine, quantum biology and medicine: a clinical study, the tester is also combined with infrared moxibustion apparatus, music, electro-acupuncture treatment instrument, as well as application such as acupuncture and moxibustion treatment of three has a leading position in the contemporary equipment. "Infrared moxibustion apparatus" can replace the traditional moxibustion, overcome traditional moxibustion, could not be quantified, operating trouble, difficult to master, no more points while the effect of moxibustion and unsafe, burn, flame, smoke and temperature control, due to pain and scarring in patients with weaknesses rather than accept. Warming moxibustion overcomes these shortcomings, preserved garlic moxibustion, ginger moxibustion. Aconite isolation pie moxibustion insulation advantages, such as moxibustion, its effective simulation of the infrared spectrum of saved from burning and temperature controlled; after, Ruijin hospital, Shanghai shuguang hospital specialists in six hospitals, clinical application and effect of a significant, not only can be used for all kinds of BI, can also be used for all kinds of difficult and complicated cases
This basis so that it "digital" and be controlled by the computer software, can be quantified. Electroacupuncture effect music stable, no effect of decay. Music electro-acupuncture needle comfort, beautiful music and melodies, strong or weak pulse stimuli, so that patients are happy to accept and better treatment effect. Acupuncture anesthesia during surgery in the surgery in patients with stable wild stability, success rate of acupuncture anesthesia has been greatly increased. Waves of the wave form with music, on meridian points initiative to enter into the body, for the treatment of different diseases, this is a pioneering work in the world. The instrument in the of "application instrument" Department according to "within disease outside treatment", "winter disease summer treatment", TCM theory research and development of high-tech products, by Shanghai TCM large dawn hospital more than 4,000 more case of clinical practice on "children asthma" "old chronic support bronchitis" made good of effect, the instrument with low frequency, low voltage, pulse stimulation, points Chinese medicine posted application, operations simple, using convenient, up to a Taiwan can ten a patient while using, with 10 a single trigger respectively control, machine using full digital LSI, has digital monitor, work status set display, output current strength regulation display, and has power indicates, and State indicates, and errors indicates, (as described in SGF-4 using description). By point of traditional Chinese medicine skin of ion State of import, a "do not take medicines and injections, so also will cure problems", which is also a proprietary high-tech innovative products. Therefore, we can proudly say that our company developed the KQ-2000ieam Meridian acupuncture treatment station is with acupuncture and moxibustion apparatus of quantum medicine can compete with today's high-tech, "工欲善其事, its prerequisite", this product offers a new concept of Chinese Acupuncture peers "new weapons", not only can be used for diagnosis or treatment, and can be used for health care. (Shanghai Qianlong medical technologies limited)