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To xizhimen south street, xicheng district building to the British garden route

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Qi baishi art of preserve one's health of


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Qi baishi art of preserve one's health of


-TangZuXuan DengZhouShi hospital in henan province



The famous at home and abroad to become famous Chinese master qi baishi (1863 ~ 1957), more than the painting do exercise in nearly years of age, it still energetic, more than usual. The old man of preserve one's health of white stone are unique, reduce "health WuJue", i.e., a "seven quit", two "eight don't", three "tea", the food youdao "four", five "pull" erhu.

Seven quit

Baishi life maintain the body of the old man by "seven quit".

A quit drinking baishi old man think drinking is harmful to health, in addition to drink a small amount of wine, sometimes the usually never alcohol.

Quit two empty degrees "life is not learn, bitter mix a day." Every day, more than white stone old man painting not to waste time. He died a year ago are still more than 600 picture painted.

Three quit smoking baishi old man not smoking, in the home also unprepared smoke.

Four quit lazy baishi stick to their old man cuisine life, such as fill the clothes, wash dishes, sweep the floor, etc, all living do it yourself.

The five precepts ecstasy of his paintings often won great prizes or the chosen people international exhibition, his heart, have hidden willing to calm treat, without the condition with ecstasy.

Six ring empty white stone old man think that empty dream health, still no thought would be in the YiJiu desultorily, incontinence.

Seven quit grief and indignation in white stone, and always maintain the old man collected calm, optimistic attitude toward life, both neither overjoyed, nor of great big cry.

TCM etiology, seven emotions that is human body to reflect the objective things different, in normal activities within the scope, generally not to make the person causes disease, only suddenly strong or long lasting more than normal human body, old stimulate the physiological activities range, make human body angry machine disorder, Yin and Yang, qi disorders, just can lead to disease. Seven pathogenic directly influence the viscera and disease. The old man can pay attention to improve old white stone, the viscera and angry machine, is mixed "Yin pingyang secret, spirit is put to".

8 don't

Baishi old man into old age and summarizes the "eight don't" YangShengShu.

A not corrupt color if old people, not only will speed up long-term sex body failure and could cause sudden illness.

Two not greed of the old people in flesh dietary fat, easy with high cholesterol) and hyperlipidemia, go against the prevention and control of the disease of heart head blood-vessel.

If the old new pure greed of rice noodles, long-term eat fine intake of cellulose reduce, will weaken the peristalsis, easy constipation.

Adhering to the old people from the salty if sodium salt intake, easy to cause too much high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease and kidney failure.

Five not pursuing sweet if too many old people eat sweet food, can lead to obesity, diabetes, conducive to the physical and mental health.

Six not pursuing enough if the old diet long-term all beg full, which can increase the intestines and stomach digestion absorption burden, and can cause or worsen disease of heart head blood-vessel, happen sudden death.

Seven not pursuing hot if the old diet, easy temperature overheating oral, esophageal and gastric damage, the digestive tract by hot hot stimulation, long-term susceptibility to cancer of the stomach, esophagus.

Eight not pursuing cool if the old long-term greedy cold food, frozen foods stimulate digestive tract, easy cause gastritis, diarrhea, and diarrhea, the digestive tract diseases.

TCM etiology, think to proper adjustment of the diet should not be partial eosinophils, like this can make the human body to various needs of nutrition. If a diet food is too cold or partial overheating, may cause imbalance between Yin and Yang, or some poor nutrition and disease. The old man in white stone to develop a good eating habit, he is one of the keys to prolong life.


Tea has been the world recognized as one of the best health drink one. Drinking tea can not only improve nutrition, and can prevent disease. Tea can quench his thirst thirst, it's refreshing oneself function is currently any beverage that cannot be compared. Tea contains the rich human body could be nutrients. Tea can prevent and control DuoZhong diseases, including cancer, aging resistance, cancer prevention. Tea can edify sentiment, make the person has the more healthy.

The old man is very early white stone master the use of the method of prevention and treatment of disease tea. Usually, take not Suggestions of traditional Chinese medicine with the tea used, but that, but some solution of the drug, but the wind hot to deserve, the efficacy of green tea will be more significant, and also have to tea example of medicine. The old man thought, namely white stone is ready to rush the semen cassia belong to cool taste of tea; food materials, is a natural antidote. Some plants or drug poisoning because of the people, looking for a doctor before diagnosis and treatment, first drinking a lot of tea emergency. Feeling the chill, also can drink hot tea ease the discomfort of body. Put to chill with green tea, traditional Chinese medicine must be because the chill cold symptoms appear in the upper respiratory tract, and most of the gas tea has the effect of lead. Cooperate with green tea, the effect can be taking leads to head, rapid relief upper respiratory tract of headache, runny nose phenomenon.

The old man still think, white stone tea excessive easy injury stomach and insomnia, the more will urinary frequency, so drink to have a good control, and are best before two hours or so don't drink tea. People with chronic gastritis and gastric ulcer, unfavorable also strong tea. In Chinese medicine has many health tea, such as can cooperate with personal physical make the words, have very great help to strengthen the body. Health tea drink a day once is enough, need not too much.


The old man always think the food pak tao is the key to prolong life, to sum up the following several ways:

Omnivorous omnivorous fully embody the principle of food complementary. To obtain a variety of nutrients are omnivorous guarantee. Someone put forward "eat at least 30 kinds of food every day," such as the conditions that limit, first from eat every day, 10 species, and 15 kinds of food is made.

Slow food rice to chew 30 times, a meal for half an hour, can reduce weight, beauty, cancer prevention, the healthy brain.

Vegetarian means "basic vegetarian," is not a little blue is not to eat, a vegetarian diet is the core of disease prevention and control of civilization measures.

As early as the three meals a day we must early. Breakfast food or a day earlier "switch" intelligence, dinner early feed can prevent disease.

DanShi is less salt, less fat, less sugar, salt, and many more oil, polysaccharide is "three evils".

Low temperature cold food can prolong life, still can increase the digestive tract function cold food.

Fresh food most food with fresh for good, many "live nutrient" could remain, advocate "fresh do" and "don't eat fresh left".

Kosher clean food.

Raw food refers to "for the raw food as far as possible, avoid nutriment raw food" of the loss.

Set the timing quantitative eating, as time passes is formed power to finalize the design, is the best way.

Thin gruel health food food since ancient times continues today, in addition to the porridge, it should include milk, soya-bean milk and liquid.

Snacks between meals three meals of small meal called "snacks", conform to "eat much food less" principle, with multiple effect.

Food should be chosen according to their own needs to choose food (or even can choose according to individual constitution), make a more targeted nutrition.

Break feed that is, in a certain time, one meal or a day does not take food, can thoroughly eliminate body toxin.

Dry food dry food to enhance the chewing function, strong boost to the periodontal nerve endings, rise to brain function.

Pull erhu

The old man is very like white stone, in old age, special erhu, often a person in the late afternoon, sit on your front under the tree, part pull gently erhu, while low voice hum.

The old man had already found that white stone erhu, and music can not only entertainment affection, meaning, educational, chang be relieved, fitness, health and cure disease.

Baishi fame and wealth, like old man despise status flat, quiet life, hard-working, though his life experience many frustrations and hardships, but due to the nature of his gentle, indifferent to natural, and the total can survive, so can have the old age of 95.